Antique Bronze Bullion Not Dropped in Full Clear of LFR

So my friend last night got his Bullion via the postmaster. So it can be mailed to you. Which would seem to imply that yes, the chance to drop and bad luck can mean you go a full clear without seeing it even if you are looting every boss.

Ah, thanks. I was sure it was going to be a ā€œloot it or lose itā€ currency but Iā€™m glad to be wrong there.

Itā€™s just a dang shame that (a) itā€™s RNG in the first place, and (b) the drop chances seem quite poor for something so important to power progression.


I also did LFR and Normal and though I got none. Found one in the mail! So I mustā€™ve missed the loot on some boss and it got delivered to me.

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So people are getting it in the mail confirmed. Debunked that itā€™s just not being looted.

So is it intended that a majority of people are getting theirs in 1 or 2 kills and others are requiring nearly a dozen kills. Thatā€™s the question on wither this is intended or not.

It certainly isnā€™t fun being in that later boat.

Yeah, just reading here to see if others had the same experience. Iā€™ve gotten the bronze bullion almost immediately on my three dps both last week and this week and was able to buy a vendor item. But I ran my priest healer through a wing last week ā€“ nothing. Just ran a wing with her tonight. Nothing. Looting every time. Wasnā€™t sure if there was a bug or just really crap luck on my partā€¦

Postman didnā€™t send the crests off of the bosses in Amirdrassil, either.

Did a full clear of LFR Aberrus - no bullion dropped or mailed to me.

Endezalth - Wyrmrest Accord

Join a normal and run that or wait till next week and youā€™ll get catchup drops. Itā€™s totally possible to go a full clear without seeing it drop in LFR.

I can attest, this is true, for me at least. Iā€™ve done 11-12 full clears of LFR, and only 1 character got zero bullions, all other characters either got 1 because they did last week, or 2 this week.

If none drop next week, at that point it should be 3, Iā€™ll then perhaps think my character is bugged. I did get other loot and a Forbidden Flounder.

My wife, myself and our friend have done 8 full bullion each week now.

Iā€™m the only one and only on one character that didnā€™t get it from LFR in a full all wing clear and I got it in normal that week on that character.

All the others though consistently get it within the first wing of LFR.

The outliers seem to be needing a second wing.

With only 1 example in 24 characters where a third wing or normal was required.

However, we have now multiple examples of the bullion being delivered by mail within our group of 24 attempts. At least 1 each per individual.

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Same for me, itā€™s been 1st boss drop for all characters this week. Except this one toon. Iā€™m honestly not too worried as Iā€™m really only in it for the mogs.

Just finished LFR on all 10 of my lvl 70 characters and they all got the bullion within the first wing or two, aside from my poor Rogue. She did the whole of Aberrus LFR and not a single bullion was looted for her. Yes, I looted each boss and the chest at the end. No, I didnā€™t miss anything. Nothing mailed to me, either. She missed the first week, so I was banking on the 2 bullion to be looted this time around.

Fingers crossed for 3 bullion next week, I guess?

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No thanks, Iā€™m not interested in doing normal raids and why would I do LFR if thereā€™s no guarantee of getting bullion as it is? It just means itā€™s completely possible (albeit relatively unlikely) to go the entire season without seeing a single one.

I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the catch up mechanic increases the base chance of getting bullion. The reason I say that is that on all the characters that I ran through on week 2 whom didnā€™t get a bullion in week 1 (didnā€™t bother running it - not that I missed them), all of them got both bullion on the exact same boss and in all instances it was within the first 3 kills. Everyone Iā€™ve spoken with who didnā€™t get one in week 1, seemed to get theirs in the first wing in week 2.

So unless you just donā€™t do LFR I would imagine its incredibly low chance you would never get them.

I have one toon that has only gotten 1, ever, and that was the first week. Did a full LFR clear last week, and two bosses this weekā€¦ and nothing. This really makes me think something is busted on this toon.

no drops strill

I have plenty of alts who shouldā€™ve received 4 Bullions this week with catch-up all LFR full clearsā€¦
5 alt only got 2; 3 alts got all 4; 2 alts got 3; 1 alt got 0

I havenā€™t heard a lot about the catchup mechanic issues nor experienced anything with that myself. The only character that missed a week, I got both bullion on the same kill and it was consistent with what we knew about how you get it to begin with.

I had exactly the same thing on my character: Bloodsheeva, a DH, on Wyrmrest. All my other toons got the Bullion just fine, but even after every boss in LFR, on that toon it didnā€™t drop, and I always double check the loot just to make sure I didnā€™t miss anything. And nope.

My evoker just did a full clear of LFR VotI and only received 2 bullions but this is the first time I have played her at all this season. So Iā€™m currently missing the other 2 bullions (and yes, all bosses were clicked on and looted, nor is there anything in my mailbox). This hasnā€™t happened on any other character of mine so far but I donā€™t understand why I didnā€™t even receive my first one until 5 bosses inā€¦

Guess Iā€™m waiting until next week to hopefully get the rest :frowning: