anti-Dual Spec people are a tiny minority of Classic players

Virtually nothing discussed here has an objective argument. Even those topics that could be objectively decided can’t because only blizzard has the data to objectively decide. People who claim to be objective always seem to only point out the lack of objectivity on one side. So despite their claims to the contrary it’s usually not to hard to see what side they’re really on.

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Except that many posts advocating Dual Spec make claims to objective superiority. Case in point in this thread.

Make no mistake: although I’m personally not a fan of dual spec, I still cringe and correct where possible when I see a detractor posting specious arguments. It doesn’t do the dialogue any favours.

I’ve honestly come around to the idea of unlimited free respecs, though. I think it might have the benefit of encouraging people to bust meta specs and try their own styles.

Or making the penalty for respecs even higher still. Either or would be appropriate.

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Out of context quote. In the previous sentence to that one Nyaria makes it clear his post is an opinion based on his personal experience.

I find your claim that many posts advocating dual spec make claims to objective superiority to be based on specious reasoning, the type of thing you claim to only be here to point out.

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No, they didn’t. You are quoting the post out of context.

The claim about drawbacks being “fake” was completely unrelated to their personal experience disclaimer. But I’ll gladly find a dozen more like it if you want to harp on that one data point.


I disagree. That’s your opinion and not based on anything objective.

I look forward to it.

Here’s four I found in a few minutes that dismiss counterarguments as “trolling” or “hating”.

Let me go get some ones that claim specifically to objectivity.

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Now all you have to do is prove that those people aren’t expressing their opinion and you’re home free.

Yeah that would be good because so far it looks to me like your full of sh. That’s just my opinion, I’m not claiming it’s an objective fact.

I know you’re just being obtuse. You can read. You know what they said. Unless they forgot to link their arguments, those comments were unrelated.

Serious question: why are you so obsessed with everyone accepting your opinion as correct? Why do you think such absurd lengths to be contrarian?

I know you’re smarter than that, you’ve demonstrated it. This is just petulant.


Yes, I can read and in my opinion most everything people post here is just their opinion. I don’t need people to post “imo” in every sentence to figure that out. Can you read?

Why are you so obsessed with making me accept your opinion that some here are claiming objective superiority? In my opinion that’s nonsense.

I can read. Like I can read the title of this thread in which we are currently posting: “anti-Dual Spec people are a tiny minority of Classic players”. That’s not an opinion, it’s a claim to objectivity. And a completely unsubstantiated one at that.

Considering the amount of times I’ve said

I have no idea from where you are pulling that.

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It’s an opinion. I just assume most people are smart enough to know that virtually every thing they post here is an opinion even if they don’t add “imo” as a preface to every sentence they post. I also assume most people are smart enough to know that most every thing I post here is just my opinion so most of the time I don’t preface every sentence with “imo.” I guess I was wrong in assuming that about you but I still think most people are smart enough to know that most everything I and everyone else posts here is just an opinion.

cope about it

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“Opinion” my foot.

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You incorrectly stated that as an objective fact. You should have said, “In my opinion that’s an “Opinion” my foot.”

You know you stated something that was categorically false, and you’re lashing out to cover yourself.

The petulant child act really doesn’t suit you.


You can just google “dual spec classic TBC polls” and see the substantiation that most people want dual spec. Why does everyone have to spoonfeed you a source you can just look up?

When you make an argument, you’re expected to support it with evidence.

I’ve looked at them. That’s not how sampling works in a survey. The methodology is flawed so the results aren’t conclusive.

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You can nitpick all you want, but the existing evidence so far shows dual spec has mass popularity. You can either speculate or look at current evidence. Where’s the surveys that show that most people DON’T want dual spec? Exactly, they don’t exist.

That’s not nitpicking. It’s simply not authoritative evidence if the methodology is flawed.


That’s another opinion you stated as an objective fact.

Perhaps it suits me just fine. Why do you keep stating your opinions as objective facts? It seems to me that in every post you make claims to objective superiority by your own interpretation of the phrase.