Anti afk methods

Log out? You pay some kid to farm for you while you sleep.

this made me think of that gif of some dude smashing his head into a keyboard till its bloody. blizz wont let me post a link to it, but its a cartoon >.<

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Get cat, put catnip on keyboard/mouse, go to bed. You’ll have to clean up your desk and keyboard every time you wake up but you’ll still be done quicker than if you were waiting in that Herod queue.

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wouldn’t you be able to just press the auto run key and leave your character running into a wall in a city? or does this also afk you out?

They could just open a dialog with your char. If you don’t respond, ban hammer.
Didn’t they use to do something like this back in the day for bots?


It auto AFKS you out after awhile.

It relies mostly on the cheat detection picking you up or someone reporting you. I remember a guy who set up a rig in my guild with Knex connectables and a small motor. So long as it isnt a continuous repetitive input and your hidden somewhere out in the world with low player traffic. I don’t think he ever got banned.

just get a ton of blow and skip sleep all together.


Just start the queue then go eat breakfest or something. It doesn’t need to be 8 hours in advance.

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If it really take that long, then perhaps you should consider a different realm.


nobody with the placing nickel in key, damn been empowering too old lately

time for deep thoughts harhar

I seriously doubt any significant number of pserver players are going to stay pserver when Classic launches… despite thier very vocal rants. And the few that do? Probably should just make their own sandbox servers because pservers will be dead.

Drinky bird been around since like…the 40s or 50s…

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Just because you don’t respond to someone, doesn’t mean you’re a bot. You can choose to ignore a game master trying to talk to you… I don’t think there is any rule at all that states that you have to reply back or interact with them.

clean your room while waiting for the queue


No. There are no afk methods that do not break ToS except actually being at your keyboard.
Good luck getting away with this. People are going to hate ques and will report when they see a toon repeatedly jumping at the same interval. People wanted authentic ques. We got em. Now enjoy.
Where did all the avatars go who were claiming ques were fine? Changed avatars and ques aren’t fine anymore? Lol

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Assume the average player is like yourself. To assume different usually means you have an over inflated view of yourself.

What I see everyday on the highway is not how you want people to treat launch. Lol. However that is exactly what it will be. Road rage, middle fingers flying, people getting cut off, guns pulled…
I do get what you’re saying though. People know Herod is Fubared. Roll there if you like ques. If not roll a toon elsewhere.
I can already see the crap storm of posts that will be posted on the forums.
I’ll stick to medium pop.