Anti afk methods

Only thing I can think of is using one of those Drinking Bird toys, but I think that would still probably make you look suspicious and technically sitll be automation

Now someone will make an addon to find afkers and report them.


A good way to get a bad rep for when layering goes away …


You can’t simply put a cat on the keyboard and expect him to stay there. You must expressly forbid the cat from stepping on the keyboard.


lol no, that isnt possible

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I more ethical method would not be to afk in game, but to make a script that would log you into the queue, and whenever you finished getting to the login screen and got idled back out, would log you back into the queue. That way when you wake, you’ll hopefully be either in game or almost done with the queue, and not taking valuable playtime away from others.

Or, just don’t be a d-bag and go to another server.


Put your keyboard under your pillow, preferably a keyboard with red switches. Make a profile on your keyboard to have all keys as jump.

Bird is the word!


This was used by a guy in vanilla to get a high rank and Blizzard defended him at the time.

Nice story but likely 100% pure weapons grade A bullcrap.

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Train your cat to grind boars, cats hate boars.

If you have a really smart cat you could get him to farm AV for you.


Lol yep, knew someone that did this by sticking a pen in the vent so it would hit the space bar as it swung around.

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Let me add on to that

To which is a breach of the TOS and honestly not fair to those who are sitting in the que trying to get in?


Years of playing a paladin have allowed me to play this game at full effectiveness in my sleep. Once I get on they aren’t ever getting me off.

This thread brings back so many oldschool Illidan memories when people would have to start logging in 2 hours early to be online by raid time.

I feel like having your character jump on the same spot or run into a wall for 10 hours would probably get detected by Blizzard.

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So long as you jump in the same spot, on a non perfect time interval, there is nothing they can do about it… A player really could be that bored that they sit there hitting jump every 30-60 seconds…

This isn’t going to be a problem and therefore you don’t need to solve it.

I heard loading up a YouTube video or cleaning your room will both magically make the queue time disappear after exactly the length of said queue, also :o

You could always try something like this

oldie but a goldie. Maybe do both with 2 different fans to move you forward by pressing both keys together.