Answer to dualspec

Here is the problem with this example. The concept of character identify and class fantasy and all that is that you are RPing your character. You are a mage who grew up in Dalaran before the events of W3 and it being destroyed. You studied Frost magic and you mastered it over your trials from 1-60. Every point you spent it something you learned. Just like how in real life, you can just go up to someone and pay them $50 and you immediately have mastered that skill. And you don’t generally “forget” all youve learned in your past either.

But at the end of the day, this is a game. And it’s not realistic for Blizzard to ask you to delete your character or stop playing it because you made a mistake in your talents so they gave you an in-game feature to change this.

But the idea that if you are fighting a Boar, you are a master of Frost and are even so good at it, you can summon water elements and control that element. But as soon as an Orc shows up you forget all that and start shooting fire from your hands all pew pew.

So how is PVE different from PVP then? Well… because you said so… and no other reason.

  • no gold
  • can’t earn gold
  • don’t want to deal with gold sinks
  • don’t consider consequences
  • don’t really care anyway
  • probably won’t even really play
  • just asking for it because someone said it sounded good

Main spec.
Off spec.

Nothing changes.

Good story. Although class and character identity are a little different with spec identity, but you are not off. The game is a RPG, and is built based on role play.

PVE and PVP are different, because they are basically 2 different games in one game … totally unrelated … 2 different animals … apples and oranges … in one you are RPing with the environment, in one you are fighing another human being … You can take any of these 2 out of the game and put it in a separate game and it won’t damage the other one … that’s the reason and i said it and that’s my opinion

Yeah, I don’t personally see loot distribution as being a compelling argument against dual spec, to be honest. There are plenty of loot systems that are already optimized to cater to a variety of preferences.

I think there are some decent arguments against dual spec though, for example how it would affect expectations of average raid teams following the requirements of some of the top performing raid teams, and requiring multiple specs and gear sets for some encounters.

I think the arguments for are fewer and farther between than they were the first time around, when people had less of an idea as to how to earn/farm gold.

In WoW Classic currently, it’s relatively trivial to earn 100g to swap specs between raiding and PVP sessions, and I suspect that is only likely to become even more the case in TBC Classic.

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I’d like normal dual spec, just like in wotlk, pay 1000g to the trainer and you get to use dual spec, simple.


Says the mage wink wink

No really, how? I am struggling to make enough gold. Mind you I just came back a couple of weeks ago and I am leveling a hunter to be a support toon for the expack, but man. 100 gold? Trivial? I need to know this magic!!

I actually almost never play this mage. I’m talking about on my Alliance warrior, where I actually do swap specs, often more than a couple times a week.

Fair question. One of the biggest things I’d recommend is getting an AH addon. I’ve heard that Auctioneer, Auctionator, and TSM are quite popular. Personally, I like AUX, but I don’t think it matters much which one, just that you have a relatively good idea about how valuable some items are, and how that value changes week over week.

Another is, don’t spend gold frivolously. Make some decisions as to what you’d like to accomplish, and go for that. For my warrior, one of those things was a tiger mount (I went the route of cloth turn ins, and Darn rep over trying to hope for a tiger to drop in a ZG GDKP, and have enough gold to dump on that).

If you do ZG/AQ20/Ony GDKP runs, that can easily earn you 150~300g (or more), and doesn’t typically take a ton of time, though you could probably find a better gph farm, depending on your class and professions.

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And what defines Main spec/off spec when you basicly switch between each boss

What you claim as your main spec at the start of the raid?

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Might as well put personal loot in there once we’re at it ? What you think

This is a dumb slippery slope argument, and if you can’t have an adult debate about it, I suggest you stop participating.

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I care about being able to quest or farm as a tank or healer.

I’m sorry to have offended you, little gnome.

But you literaly said it.
Whats the difference between saying you are holy or rightclicking your name and choosing holy personal loot

Man, you’re really grasping here. People aren’t gonna switch 50/50 on all the bosses and you know that.

WoW TBC is arguably the greatest MMORPG ever designed. I think it will be just fine without all of these modern features added. Features that coincided with the game’s decline. I wish people would just let Classic be Classic, without trying to make it into something else.

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Dual spec did not coincide with the game’s decline.

How so? If spec identity is that important, then it should be important across the board. If you are so against dual spec, be against it. If you want to PvP, then tell the world and proudly show off your PvP spec.

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Dual spec increased the games life for some of us. Shame that later they added in LFD and CRZ, the things that were the beginning of the end for me.

I bet you’re one of those mad dudes who raged at shadowlands because pvpers could buy their gears and pve’ers couldnt.

Sound like a you jealous problem.