Another WoW Killer Falls. And One Overtakes WoW with Good Game Design And Thoughtful Developers

This is still here too. What is your point ?

Its undead like Danuser’s waifu?

hopefully they didn’t hire whoever rockstar did to redo GTA’s lol. They made blizzard look good. they only broke 1 game. That redo broke 3.

Nah. It is the good hearted people who die quickly. Or the people too stubborn to forge alliances of convenience. I think Hazzikoko would last a while.

He is no Ned Stark. He is more of a Littlefinger, or Sansa. He would make it to the last season. He might even end up queen of the North.

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Another one bites the dust.

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You know, you talk about the original people in WoW, but you have no idea how things went down. You guys just repeat the “Story according to the Victor”, like many IRL do.

The creators and original devs of the “better WoW” have a nice and comfy career of their own, and they dont do things the size the ones Blizzard does, because they dont need to.
Actually neither did Blizzard. They sold themselves to money, and now are reaping what they sowed. It is like those mediocre artists you knew as “fantastic” for a time, and then after a while you saw them as mediocre artists they were. They all were fabricated by rich publishers that left them to rot after they were not hot anymore.

Well, WoW is like this. It is being left to rot after it is not profitable as it used to be. As of late, wow for a long time now has been spoon fed into living by other games which are profitable enough to keep it as part of a portfolio. It just endures the way it does because it is a brand recognition that serves to introduce other games.

Or havent you notice that lately your WoW login is full of “Go check this other game” stuff that wasnt there before ?

Dont kid yourselves. No one cares about WoW profits anymore. It is just a vessel that will be discarded and recycled the moment it overstays its welcome.

I think that a big part of why people play MMOs is because we want to be part of a world, which is why I notice that it’s the more immersive titles with rich histories that make it the top, while stuff like Rift and Wildstar die out.

Ofc, new and interesting features help to make those titles stand out, but without putting in effort to get your players immersed and emotionally invested? You’ll see it decline in a couple of years. This is why you see games like LOTRO and RS Classic still surviving despite looking ancient.

Although I’m actually surprised that games like Granado Espada and Flyff are still surviving, but they’re shells of their former self.

Also I just looked at Rift’s steam numbers, and it’s at 189 average players in the last 30 days :skull:


Its actually the current holder of the EQ IP Daybreak

Its mainly speculative at this point…but would be interesting to see EQ in the Unreal engine

Rift was interesting when it started…it lost traction quick though.

I wonder how lost ark will do.

That’s not a WoW killer. How do you even socialize in Lost Ark? Probably the same as Newb World. Sweaty with an added feeling of lost.

I never said it was
but people praise FF/SE for being perfect. they’re not


NW is just taking a nap, it’ll come back stronger than ever once they release their big update.

I don’t know if you’re presenting this negatively or positively but, nevertheless, it was a bold move that certainly payed off for both the devs and players. It also showed immense passion for the project, immense compassion for the playerbase and it showed a humbleness and willingness to admit defeat and apologize, promise something better and then deliver something that shattered expectations.


The beauty of FFXIV is that it’s never trying to be a WoW killer. Yoshi P really enjoys WoW and he wants it to succeed and coexist.

WoW has a legacy and so does the Final Fantasy franchise. I’m really glad both of these games exist and I enjoy playing both. There are people from both teams I really enjoy seeing communication from, too.

New World rubbed me the wrong way when their social media account retweeted folks claiming it was going to be the “FFXIV killer” and the beta didn’t really impress me. It was pretty lousy representation.


iirc, Square was on the brink of bankruptcy at the time. I wouldn’t be so sure it was a decision made on altruism. :woman_shrugging:

I was kind of interested in FF because they have housing. Then I saw the video where all the plots were full and you had to camp a plot for days non stop just for a chance to buy it. How are they gonna advertise that and then you can’t even get it? No thank you.

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ffxiv is a visual novel disguised as an MMO wouldn’t recommend. I want to play the game not read a book.

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It makes it more rewarding when you do get it though. Unlike WoW which hands it to you, if we ever did hypothetically get it

New world had more than a couple of things working against it.

First major thing:
Rumors of it destroying PCs from just even playing the game.
(Lots of videos demonstrating and complaining about it.)

The things I didn’t actually like about the game in general:

  • No variety of fantasy races.
  • No classes. (From my understanding)
  • Extremely clunky looking gameplay.

(I heard rumors you can’t even jump in that game.)

The only thing I was interested in is large scale PVP. Yet with all these other factors working against it… let alone it could potentially destroy your PC. I’m not surprised it flopped hard. Maybe next new MMO will not fry your PC and give fun options for your avatar + gameplay.

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