Another WoW Killer Falls. And One Overtakes WoW with Good Game Design And Thoughtful Developers

You spent half your time on the forums stanning a game that died in under two months lmao


Except they did it in reverse.

They created a masterpiece with the 1st 3 expansions & MoP/Legion.—and then gave us Crapaclysm, The Garrison expansion, and BFA (which is pitch black all the time), and Shadowlands…where it is one system on top of another on top of 50 different resources and currencies.

I want simplicity back.


Dude…my server Mateus on the Crystal server has a queue of 50 people at 2am. Every night.

WoW–has 50 people playing the game…every time I log in. Stormwind is empty, Ironforge is empty, Darnassus doesn’t exist, Shattrath is beautiful but empty, not a lot of people are in their Garrisons–and I can’t play with them, even if they are.
The MoP cities are beautiful but empty.
Legion Dalaran still has a fair chunk of players.
Shadowlands–I’ve seen two people in Bastion in a week.


Cyberpunk is not a MMO–so you can’t compare a single player game to WoW.


There will never be a wow killer.

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Bro, we getting Bunny boys in FF14.

I thought I would never say it but I fricken love FF14. It’s true you become a walking advertisement of it when you get deeper into the game.


Nooo it absolutely isn’t, it’s just that it’s not everyones cup of tea. I don’t think it’s fair that people come on the forums talking about how great FFXIV is when what’s great is the effort that went into the story but if you just say “FFXIV is better than wow” then some people might think they have better raids or a better M+ system or better PVP.


there are no wow killers

the current wow design team wants to be fortnite instead of the old wow - so they’re using their playerbase as an ant farm to test every possible transition to that model

I’m a huge FF14 fan, and I think the story is one of the best stories I’ve seen in years, but even I hate that quest. ARR was a bit of a slog to get through at times, but Heavenwards and onward are much better storywise (and Shadowbringers is simply amazing). ARR sets up a lot of things that will be important later, but it had far too much tedium at times.

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People keep telling me that ARR was the low point. I’ll give it another try sometime in the near future. I think my least favorite chain was the MSQ leading up to the titan fight. Those guys made me get them wine and cheese!


It’s funny that people keep insisting FF14 has overtaken WoW based on literally nothing.

Maybe when Endwalker releases it will have more than retail, but I doubt FF14 is close to Retail + Classic.


ARR is a low point, and I found stormblood to be pretty tedious as well. Heavensward was solid, and shadowbringers was decent for the most part.


Yeah the least they could do is ask me to get a proper high alcohol % beer.


Naw, I agree. I mean, okay, he had a reason for getting us to do all that stuff, but gosh it was boring. They cleaned up ARR as much as they could, but it’s still a little long and bloated. That goes for the post expansion quests too. There’s just more extra than there needs to be, and the pacing can be off.

An example is the Praetorum and Castrum dungeons. They’re fun to do once, and important to the story, but doing them again is not great. They added incentives so people still DO do them, but since you can’t skip the cutscenes there (done so newbies can still see the story) it can really drag. Thankfully after ARR and the associated post expansion quests, they settled into a better pacing/story ratio.

I love FF14, I do. Prolly my favourite MMO… But it would be silly of me to think it’s without flaws. :slight_smile:


My preference was for wow too.

Up till they nerfed wild spirits in 9.0.5 which excluded hunters from experiencing end game content


One like for one tear for Ragemode

I like the game, I really do, I just burnt out on MSQ. I should have spent some time levling other jobs or something to break it up. I will go back eventually. I really like the white mage class and warrior class.


I still think New World, like, mechanically, was a pretty solid game. But I only ever treated it as a single player distraction. I don’t enjoy MMORPG PvP, so I was just kind of grinding and doing some quests/dungeons. And that was decent.

But, like BDO, I don’t think its strongest areas were suited to being an MMORPG. Everything about it screams Single Player RPG IMO. I’m not surprised its struggling, even without constant MAJOR bugs.

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FFXIV is doing the exact same thing its always done. It’s a good game but it’s not breaking new ground. It’s just the default for WoW players who are frustrated with WoW but still want to play an MMO. Specifically BECAUSE it’s so similar in so many ways.

Also, please, let’s stop pretending anyone knows any real numbers to claim one is higher than the other. No one knows. It’s not something the studios behind the games report anymore, so saying one surpassed the other is barely different than saying “I like this one more”. Yes, general online sentiment toward WoW is poor and sentiment toward FFXIV is positive, but frankly its been that way even when WoW was doing well (though I don’t doubt that WoW is in a low spot right now).

I can in terms of how many wrong individuals were hired for Cyberpunk and to WoW team since MoP ended.