Why do we keep needing world trees? I cant remember.
The wc3 one was need cause lake of eternity part 2 illidan made i think. That got blown up in wc3 but kind of survived. But then In cata at hyjal summit its there.
Nelfs in vanilla wow made teldrassil as the replacement to nordrassil in a different spot as a replacement for some reason but was corrupted wasnt it? Did that corruption ever get addressed aside from burning it down?
Are the point of these non hyjal trees? just nelf homes?
Why are there so many world trees? Theres the one NR to that yogg corrupted to death iirc
We keep dealing with these things but i dont think any aside from hyjals matter
Its like Oprah. You get a world tree and you get a world tree. But do they do anything besides become big trees?
A general summary is that some night elves just live on trees. Highborne prefer giant palaces and magical abodes. They are based on woodland elves so thats just how the history/myth goes. Specifically the first world tree was made after their sacrifice against the Legion and was blessed by the Aspects for their bravery.
Trees represent life spring from nothingness,a foundation to build on a history that deep roots to hold onto. Elves have always viewed that in some form or another ,with this ,it is set with Azeroth the true mother in a physical sense.
Uh Silvermoon was destroyed. And canonically we just got revenge and went back to living in the ruins.
Now that i think about it when is silvermoon getting fixed. More ppl play belfs than nelfs. We should get our city redone first.
But back on point how does a tree care for the spirit? Wisps are nelf spirits right? In wc3 maulfurion forced them to detonate and die to kill archi. THEN the nelfs own god yeeted all their souls into the maw last xpac lol. Nelfs dont care about their ancestors for sure. They were immortal until wc3.
To understand the myth of the tree you have to refer to greek mythology ,tree is represented as the world soul to them and anything damaging it means it effects the world . There are creatures that use the tree as a home even the dragons did all protecting it ,living in it ,dying in it,the soul-spirit remain to protect the spirit form from spiritual attacks of course they cared it is their life.
A twig of it is there. It’s still got a long way to grow. lol
Honestly, I don’t know why they didn’t focus on Hyjal being regrown. They even had the help of the Earthen Ring. I guess because they didn’t want to phase a quest area? Either that or they still don’t have the tech for a huge tree like that.
Amirdrassil is still just going to be a twig in the ground, forgotten after this expansion and just a “symbol of hope.”
Honestly, as a Nelf main since Vanilla up until this expansion… I just wish Blizz would leave Nelfs the hell alone and stop trying to “fix” them. LOL
Because Fandral and some others were hoping if it was blessed by the Aspects, they’d get their immortality back. Nozdormu got ticked off about it and refused. So it wasn’t protected and did get corrupted, then cleansed. Then burned.
They are related. Imperfect ones, of course, because it is connected to Azeroth and her corruption which effect all of them and yet,they still protect the dream.