Another week. M+ higher keys only wants DH

This is my experience as well. I’ve pugged a few of my 15s as I work on ksm… And haven’t had any problems getting invites.

Vengeance damage is stupid, and I imagine that’s a bigger reason for their popularity. But even so, I’m not having issues getting invited to pugs as a bear.

Lol … look at all the things you listed … or you can take a VDH … which do you think is simpler?

Yes, organized groups can accomplish alot through coordinated play.

But most M+ keys are at least partly filled with puggers … so a premium on coordination is a disincentive.

This is normal, one tank will scale and be “best” and that’s what people want.

AT LEAST it isn’t prot war, that one gets way too much love over the years…

Hopefully, OP, you’ve read some of the other comments in here, but i’ll echo them.

Vengeance isn’t overpowered. It’s the least weak of the tanks, that’s it. Trash in dungeons hits so hard that there is no other choice but to kite and Vengeance just does that really well. If brewmaster did a tiny bit more damage, everyone would be wanting them instead.

The solution is to rebalance the trash in dungeons, and/or buff ALL the tanks so that kiting can become an emergency solution or the giga pull strategy, instead of the necessary play every trash pack.


I agree that the issue is with the kiting meta and not with VDH specifically. The trash in M+ just hits way too hard and since kiting is the ideal method to counter it, the more mobile tanks are chosen.

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lol yea must pugs will only take class/spec they know it will be easy to complete their keys. Why take something else to have a higher chance to brick their keys. Also with the AMC or wahtever is going on. People is going to pick what these guys run with which is VDH, moonkin, MM hunter Resto shammy, fire mage, WW monk. Blizzard isn’t going to do any tunning or dungeons changes till AMC is over.


Great balance 10/10 POG blizzz

really inclusive of all ur players. Sick due diligence on making sure every spec is viable.

.io scores

DH tank - 2381
Monk tank - 2324
Druid tank - 2069
DK tank - 1880
War tank - 1854

All 15s timed = 1200

Nerfing DH won’t help the bottom 3 tanks perform better, they need buffs.

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The meta right now is actually ridiculous. Moreso than ever before. I can’t believe we’re this far into the season and not even ONE m+ focused balance pass has happened. What even is this dev team

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why do we need a balance when every single spec and class is doing high keys? every single one of them is able to get the achievement and get above 18s which is what the MDI runs at. its not even the problem right now.

Most of you are just toxic players and want someone else to screw over others for you and dont care at all about the real issue. Your issue is you arent being carried by the developers and need them to make it easier for you and are upset that others have it. The whole childish attitude “ITS MY TURN YOU HAD YOUR TURN”. Grow up kids.

Are you a troll or just stupid

If you think nerfing Demon Hunter will somehow make Death Knights kite better then you clearly don’t understand the meta and what the problem actually is.

Disc priests are also pretty meta as well

are you a troll or just stupid? “The meta right now is actually ridiculous. Moreso than ever before”…lmao, someone hasnt been paying attention to MDI’s for the last couple years. Same tank, healer, and dps…for years. but yes, its different one season so its RIDICULOUS AND MORESO THAN EVER BEFORE!!!

MDI is not indicative of the live game. stop trolling

I love how Havoc players are told “well someone has to be the bottom end of the DPS charts” but when Veng is the top tier tank, those same people lose their minds.

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really? so people saying that you needed a warrior and resto druid for years because it was on the MDI for years wasnt a problem? lmao.

That was not because of the MDI. That was because warriors were overtuned moreso than the rest of the tanks. Resto druids also were not typically part of the MDI - only the first 2 seasons. They were meta because their utility is stupid and their heals were great for 5 man groups. Once monks had way of the crane, they all went monk for MDI. But you still didn’t see that many monks pushing compared to resto druids. MDI is about speedrunning and building a group with the best gear that can most handle pulling half the dungeon and bursting it down. When did you ever see the meta become double DK or even single unholy DK in s3/4? You didn’t. But they were still part of MDI because of their large damage in huge packs.

The balancing absolutely was a problem. Non-resto druid healers and non-warrior tanks needed buffs in BFA. But Blizzard’s incompetence got in the way and it never happened.

if balance is the problem then why in all those seasons and scenarios are all the classes completing high keys? all of them. just like they are right now. so really what is the problem? Every tank is doing high keys…every one of them. All the dps classes and healers as well. So again, what really is the problem here? Go ahead, think it through for a minute.

it isn’t the DH tank’s fault that blizzard designed the dungeons to be easier via kiting. and how would you nerf them in a way that addresses the kiting issue, by removing double jump and their leap? cause that’d be stupid.