Another week. M+ higher keys only wants DH

M+ imbalance is pretty bad right now. AoE cap isn’t helping much at all, either. P much mandatory to run fire mage mm hunter vdh and rsham at the higher levels. It’s really sad.

yet raider io has every class doing high keys right now. way past the level needed for the achievement

Veng is actually nothing special, except for the ability to kite literally everything.

Don’t blame veng; blame the AoE cap. The ethos that lead to the AoE cap is what lead to the kite meta.


its like everyone forgot the MDI runs in legion when mythic plus started…you guys dont remember the Blood DK strat? it was CONSTANT kiting. constantly moving and kiting.

Everyone trying to act smart and go OMG THIS IS THE REASON, NO THIS IS THE REASON, OMG YOU ALL DUMB THIS IS THE REAL REASON…ugh. its a joke at this point. How many times we have to go down this damn road before people get the hint…its not a balance issue or design of instance issue at all. the issue is the community is deciding who gets to be in the end game content and the community is dumb and bad. Fix that problem and we fix a lot of issues and Blizzard gets to keep a lot more money because people leave this game every month because of this problem.

no way should the community be allowed to decide these sort of things 100% of the time. there need to be an outlet that is not left up to these people who will only pick a particular spec and build to carry them because THEY think its needed. otherwise we are just kicking the can down the road with this nerf/balance talk.


someone want to explain why the pvp wow dev team is able to create a ranking system and match people based on it…but the pve dev team relies on some outsourced company and the community to do that job? Why is the pve dev team not taking the existing stuff for rankings in pvp and applying it towards mythic plus stuff?

its not like they dont treat the two the same on the world stage for tournaments

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Where were you then while everyone was calling for warrior tank nerfs.

In bfa for 2 straight years they were op.

Let vengeance have its time.


You know restoration shaman is Fotm right?

Making a tank unenjoyable to play is not the solution when tanks are already rare, fixing dumb mechanics in dungeons that require constant kiting or buffing tanks is.


yes…because standing still and face rolling a class is SO FUN AND ENGAGING!!! lmao…its like people have amnesia to the complaints on tanks saying it was boring that they would just stand there and face tank and since it was boring there were no tanks for people to run stuff.

maybe, JUST MAYBE, there is another reason lol.

I’m not sure why people are having a hard time with classes other than DH’s. Stop trying to take shaman healers and boomkins every time and you’ll do better. Take holy priests along with classes that can move stuff or manipulate fields like warlocks instead of spamming the same trashcan meta. They can lifegrip tanks out of situations, the same as a DH does, and in a real pinch like grievous, get a holy, AND a shadow priest. 2 Grips is literally more than any tank ever ends up needing, and then you have a pally or bear tank who mitigates better instead of a dh who gets bursted harder. Warlocks can portal. DH isn’t the problem, it’s peoples ignorance in accepting other classes to do other jobs for specific moments. I did a +13 NW and TOP at only ilvl 203, one with a pally tank, and one with a DH two WEEKS ago, and the pally was actually easier to manage, by a LOT.
What needs to happen;
DPS need to learn they need to kick in certain skillsets for certain dungeons
People need to let go of this notion that a 1 size fits all talent tree build
People need to let go of the notion that 1 team comp meta build is the right way to do mythics. You will go farther if you use your head to build your team and talent tree before every single mythic. Start thinking about every single boss in the dungeon you’re about to do while staring at your talent tree, and looking at your comp at the same time. This is how you progress.


The problem isn’t Vengeance, it’s the kiting meta that spawned from Blizzard’s bad tuning.

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Clearly you haven’t run mplus with a bm monk they are way better than dh right now

I wonder what type of posts you made during season 2 bfa when prot warriors did more damage than dps players during keys?

Or prot warrior for all of bfa for that matter?

The point is there will always be a meta, so right now it’s not your class? So be it.

Tell you what, fix it so havoc is competitive and then we can discuss nerfing the last thing DH is actually good at. Until then, get over it.

yet rshaman was a joke in m+ during all of bfa so give the spec a freaking chance to have some fun too in m+

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Meta in general is toxic cancer that ruins everything it touches. I’m not sure where it came about (I could guess) but the community has gotten 100x worse the past couple of years. It’s ridiculous, and the worst part is people keep defending it or saying how it’s fine, when it’s not, instead of actively working against it.

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There will always be a meta tank, this shouldnt be new to anyone. Last season it was DKs and Monks and DH were really bad.

People don’t only want DH. 7/8 of my KSM was earned via PUG’ing. Take a chill pill. Bears and BRMs are definitely invited to groups.

Some of the other tanks do have a harder time though, but they start to go from “meta slaver” territory to actually having issues, issues that wouldn’t be solved by nerfing DH. You nerf DH and you just make Bear and BRM the most played tanks and don’t do anything to help the poor Prots or BDK.

people watch stuff like mdi or awc and think that they also have to bring in these specs in order to complete their keys


Yes, exactly, and that’s the problem. What makes it worse is these are, presumably, intelligent people and yet they know that’s BS and still keep perpetuating the disinformation as though it’s the truth. What should happen is people should be all like “No that’s false, and we don’t want to perpetuate the lies” and instead they just jump on it.