Another temp suspension…

…… and still no idea what was said. can you please list the “offending” word or words in the account action email? how is anyone supposed to not ,lol, offend anyone if i don’t even know what was said?

your player base is more concerned with how they are being talked to than winning battlegrounds and thats not my fault.

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They stop putting in such about six months ago. But you already sound like you know what you said with this:


im only chatty in bgs and only when trying to herd cats. the first email said abusive language. the second said abusive and vulgar?
so which is it? what curse word did i use? im not saying anything racist, sexist, ableist. not threatening anyone.
how can anyone fix something if they aren’t told what word makes people get in their feels instead of playing the battleground objectives?

This is certainly an issue. I believe the intent of any good peanlty system is to have consequences be relevant and timely. So the person needs to know what they did in order to have the penalty be effective. Blizzard provided the text around the penalty for years. I think the intent is still to do that but the system is not working correctly so is currently offline. Last it was grabbing things that were near the violation, but not the actual violation. So that malfunction was misleading and confusing to players.

I THINK the intent is to get that fixed so players get the report text again with the penalty email.

Just don’t type whatever rude things you might be thinking. Say them out loud in your house. Keep your fingers from typing them in game. If someone is really dreadful to play with put them on Ignore so the game does not group you with them again.

Also remember, never let someone else bait you into breaking the rules too. Two wrongs don’t make a right.


its rude to call out bad gameplay in a team environment?

It’s the same thing, and it doesn’t have to be racist, sexist, etc. From your OP, it sounds like you was belittling others and trying to act like they should listen to you.


Yup, and seeing how you grabbed a suspension over it, you probably wasn’t nice about it.


That doesn’t work with battlegrounds.



We are not allowed to use profanity, masked profanity, slurs, hateful speech, insults/picking fights/trolling, etc.

If your goal is to be toxic and insulting then it is best to keep that to yourself.

“In the future you need to be at X objective when Y event happens”. <— Reasonable feedback.

“You are terrible and should never play your class again” ← being a jerk and toxic. It is an unhelpful comment meant to be rude to another player. It might be TRUE, but it is not nice to say it.

Not saying YOU said any of those things. Just making up some examples to show the difference between constructive feedback and people being insulting and toxic just to rile up the player.



Chances are you are never going to see many of the people you queue with again. In Random BGs you come across a wide variety of people with a wide variety of skillsets, and their goals may be different from your own.

You’re clearly trying to win, but others may be just trying to acquire some quick Honor, while others may be running around happy-go-lucky and fighting anything they see.

I will admit I am not accustomed to the tactics of herding, going by your initial example, but one I wouldn’t try to herd cats because they’re infamous for being very independent animals, and two they’re not your cats to herd. You’re not a premade, nothing you say to them will stick, they’re not going to magically force themselves to improve regardless of what you do or say.

It’s really a lot less stressful (and prevents this sort of thing from happening in the future) if you do your own thing. Play your best, even if the best of your allies may not be up to your standards.


this usually runs about 3 pages before vrak looks into it and tells me then closes the thread. its faster than the 5 tickets (and probably as many days) it will require to get the information through tickets.

To accomplish…what? Vrak and the other CS reps are good folk but you likely received an email stating the reason of action being taken, and it already sounds like you know what you did wrong. It doesn’t seem like you need a word by word transcript.

just stick to the old saying, if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.


i need to know exactly what was said and id like it in the account action email.

Just to point it out: This is, assumingly, another account action you’ve gotten and Vrak, or another blue, told you what you said gotten to you action - vaguely because rules. And you still got another because the first time you didn’t learn. It seems more like you want more attention then anything as you’d have learn the first time around. Any of the blues words doesn’t seem to be stinking in for ya.


That appears to be Bliz’s intent, however we’ll have to wait to see what comes of the system as its current glitches are evaluated.


No, you don’t need this. You’ve been given the rules, you’ve been given a social contract that explains it in plain language, you’ve been suspended before and given direction from a Blue as to how to proceed.

You may very well get another Blue response, but this is not going to stop until you actually listen, heed the advice, and act like an adult.

And THIS is when the Blues start backing away from giving this information. This forum is not a means to bypass the ticket queue. This is why Blues stop giving certain advice or doing courtesy favors for players: because players start using this forum to bypass everything.


If the penalty emails, and the appeals tickets, were working correctly to include the reported and actioned text, I would agree with you. The problem is the penalty email seems to be broken and the relevant text is not included. Appeals are also not usually giving that info - despite us being told in the past to put in the appeal to ask for it.

I think this is a system error or glitch they are trying to work out. In the mean time, about the only way to find out is to directly ask here.

Chat penalties really are meant to be shared with the player. That has been Blizzard’s stance for many years until things broke. I don’t think that stance has changed in concept.


this is the main point of this post. ty for your time.

I’d say both, Girthh. Not a lot, but enough. An inappropriate word for “fooling around”, you also use a disparaging term regarding someone’s intelligence.

Then there are the multiple occasions of just toxicity, calling folks trash, clowns, I see a comment about someone’s village, which I feel is definitely crossing a line.

It’s not really productive. If you have advice, you are welcome to share it. People have the choice not to take your advice and they also may not appreciate it being shouted at them repeatedly or in a manner that belittles them.


if i use the in game report feature for players not playing objectives in bgs literally nothing happens. how do i report players ruining my fun? maybe if blizz took action against complacent(hurtful word?) time wasting players who use bgs as a welfare honor farm i might not get so chatty.
clown is offensive?
just about every word can be used in a way that can be construed as “offensive” to someone.