Another Slap in the Face to the Forsaken

The forsaken were disinvited out of prejudice on multiple occasions so Sylvanas just ended up joining the Horde. And that’s just how it’s stuck ever since, but current alliance leadership is nothing like Garithos anymore.

I’d say the Night Elves are the most prejudice overall but even that’s changing somewhat

Dude they didn’t have an empire because they were a tribal people they didn’t want to create an empire. In fact the idea for an empire was literally alternate reality draenor and that expansion exists as fanfare for the return of gromm.

Orcs, without demon blood, were a more peaceful people than the alliance kingdoms who warred with each other. Did you not get that from playing Warcraft? Like the orcs whole story is one of redemption and sympathy for a people who were enslaved and turned into warlords

Hold on right there, sir and/or ma’am,

You can’t white wash the terrible things orcs did blaming the Legion while trying to blame the entire Alliance of the terrible things Arthas did.

Either both orcs and Arthas were slaves to the Legion / Nerzul respectively and thus they are not to blame, OR they’re both equally guilty of their crimes.

You can’t have your cake and eat it too.


The Alliance didn’t want to welcome the walking corpses that eat people and decorate everything with skulls and have an entire division dedicated to making a plague to eradicate all life.


Xenophobic yes, or they should’ve been.


Lol, more or less

We have definitely not played the same WoW.

Please re-do all of the questlines in WoD and come back, thanks.


Well…the Alliance Ebon Blade members aren’t as decayed as the Forsaken so less EWWWW factor. And Tirion vouched for them.

But just imagine what could have been if those Forsaken and the human relatives that still loved them had been allowed to return to SW. Playable Forsaken for both sides!

Wod was an alternate reality.

The man’ari eredar are many orders of magnitude worse than The Forsaken on their most sadistic day.

It’s okay guys, Kil’jeaden was a meany-bo-beany.


We literally have Chronicles which gives the non-AU version of the orcs. And no, they were still a pretty violent race.

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Skirmishing with each other is still less violent than the wars the humans had. I mean come on guys I’m not saying they were entirely peaceful, its a comparison. Think native american vs europeans. Sure indigenous folk warred but not at the level of the europeans. Pretty sure thats what they were going for

Hey maybe my Draenei turned red due to lack of sun screen. Global felcleaveing is real!

What wars? For the most part because the Seven Kingdoms were part of one empire there were never any grand wars between them. With the exception of border clashes between Alterac/Stormgarde.

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There were peaceful orcs, the orc race as whole was not peaceful at all, they barely could keep their clans together without infighting, idk what you talking about but 90% of the warchiefs were warmongers way before the demon blood


See, those are all fair acts of aggression to point out, and yet, I’m not seeing anything that matches the description of, ‘xenophobic,’ here. The Dwarves didn’t kill Tauren or claim Alterac because they hated other cultures, they did so in the pursuit of archaeological endeavors to uncover more of the Titan’s past. That doesn’t make what they did right, but there really hasn’t been anything from the dwarves remotely close to painting them as xenophobic.

Sorry, but I’m not buying it. Unless a race/nation actively goes out of it’s way to attack the Alliance, it’s pretty chill with whoever pops up.

I can’t say Xenophobia is a label that could be applied to either faction, honestly. I just find it hilarious that the Alliance is supposed to be, ‘xenophobic,’ because of how it interacts with the Horde’s races, when we know point blank every single aggression started on the side of the Horde.

Thus, my earlier satire of an Orc screaming, “JUST LET ME KILL YOU!”


It’s almost as if it’s cuz of in-game factions not facilitating forsaken undead joining alliance and they wanted to give normal Draenei more customizations like how most Elves got.

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. . .What?

I don’t think the humans ever went to war against one another outside of Alterac’s betrayal and… I suppose Jaina’s turning of a blind eye towards Daelin’s death? Not entirely sure that counts, kind of scraping the bottom of the barrel…

Meanwhile the last THREE faction wars largely ended because the Horde kept devolving into civil war.

Actually Humans also tried killing the Orcs off on many occasions and the Night Elves were denying the Horde any resources such as lumber so the war in Warsong gulch started.

Yep and Humans tried exterminating Trolls, heck Zuljin and his Amani tribe were trying to defend his land against human and High Elf invaders.

Trolls are the cannon fodder race of WoW :frowning:

dont slap them in the face, their jaw could fall off and you’d get undead gunk on your hand

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To be fair, the Forsaken joining the Horde was explained and then shown in the Sylvanas novel.

The Night Elves joining the Alliance on the other hand, has never been given any form of explanation.

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