The Forsaken broke free from the Scourge and the citizens of Lordaeron just wanted to rejoin their people, but the Alliance said “Eww! Go away!”
But later when the Ebon Blade broke free, the Alliance was totally okay with undead rejoining them. 
Now we find out that
the Man’ari were just peer pressured by Kil’Jaden and that a faction of them broke free of the Legion and want to earn redemption and rejoin their people, and the Alliance is just fine with it. And they were part of the Legion by choice, unlike the Forsaken who didn’t choose to be part of the Scourge.
Feels like another insult to the Forsaken.
We wouldn’t exactly be “Forsaken” if the Alliance accepted us though.
Well, look at it this way. Draenei aren’t humans. So they probably aren’t going to react the same way.
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I mean, let’s be honest for a moment…
The first time the living gave the Forsaken a chance was Garithos, who was going to honor his end of the bargain with Sylvanas, before she decided to kill him and slaughter all his men. Now, on a meta level that was absolutely the right call on her part.
But you can’t really say the Alliance did not have a solid reason for being wary of the Forsaken back then.
It helps when your genocides are only off-screen, I suppose.
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Well, maybe having a crazed geocidal dictator as a leader (Sylvanas) wasn’t a great move for trying to meet up with your old families
To be fair, if Space Satan showed up on earth. I wouldn’t fault anyone from joining him.
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Sure, they’re both dead bodies, but one is fully intact and immortal. The other is literally a rotting corpse that’s falling apart and crawling with maggots.
There’s a difference here.
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Not really what happened.
The Alliance and the Forsaken never had an opportunity to parlay. The diplomat party that Sylvanas sent never reached the Alliance. It is unclear whether they were killed by Scarlets, wildlife, some other force, or it was sabotaged in some way. It is hinted that the Scarlets killed those diplomats and put the kibosh on those plans because they were trying to worm their way into getting the Alliance to help them until it’s found out by level 30 or so that the Scarlets are bad news bears and the Alliance turns on them.
In one of the relatively recent books, Before the Storm, a meeting between Humans and Forsaken is set up and the Humans are pretty amicable to their unliving relatives, while some are more taciturn and cannot bear to see their family members as undead. Some of the Forsaken are actually about the join their living families in Stormwind before Sylvanas has many of the Forsaken who tried to defect killed. This is how Calia Menethil died.
But having a crazed genocidal leader in Kil’Jaedan is fine?
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was it a knock you on the floor slap?
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I feel like there is a lot more to explore with Lordaeron. A sort of return to the world and the daily politics type content patch that perhaps breaks out in small skirmishes.
So, Manari aren’t inherently bad people, just bullied and misunderstood?
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Didn’t you know? There are no more villains in WoW. Just misunderstood people.
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Look we don’t need a farm in Orgrimmar. We got the cows, the foxes, and little green Martians.
The alliance can keep the goats.

I don’t really take it as a slap in the face and never really have.
We learned in undeath to adapt and we will do so again
Can we just acknowledge that the people who write the current lore aren’t the ones who wrote the old lore, resulting in absurd choices like man’ari joining the alliance.
The alliance are unironically the most xenophobic faction. The horde is literally made up of alliance rejects (I don’t blame humans for thinking cow people and trolls aren’t exactly “people”)
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