Another Mages are bad thread SOD

Runes inexplicably having drawbacks?

Balefire - Our best 2.5s “spammable” lowers your spirit by 80% for 30s and kills you if you cast it again after. It doesn’t do as much damage as most spammables. If you want to put a limit on it, just make it 5… it shouldn’t debuff for 30s.

Burnout - Gain 15% critical strike with all spells (SICK) Buuut… your critical strikes now drain 1% of your mana base… why?

Overheat - Your fireblast now has 100% crit (Sick) Buuuut… the CD is increased by 15s

When I look at other class Runes it’s just benefits. This is just bad design, if not malicious lol.

I actually ground out the honor to get to HWL hoping once I gained some stam/dmg reduction there would be a semblance of survivability. In full HWL gear I still get globaled by a mediocre geared ret pal.

And when you REALLY look at the runes for fire you wonder if there are any at all beyond Hot Streak. No dragons breath, no meteor, no blazing speed, no cauterize.

I reeeeally like SoD but getting snubbed for STV Blood Moon events while in Rank 14 gear because I’m not a druid/shaman or healer feels bad bro. Getting griefed by mid geared classes with instant damage, no cast times, and having no interrupts feels bad bro. Going oom after fighting one opponent feels bad bro. These aren’t hard to fix.

You could remove all the drawbacks of these runes and it wouldn’t even put mage in the middle of the pack on DPS charts or PVP power lvl.

You could have guaranteed crit, cast scorch while moving, fire blast on it’s 6.5s and give it gauranteed crit and you would do as much damage a moonfire dot w/ starfall running.

Throw us a gd bone Blizz

Hello there mage brother, deep freez your target then icelance them to death in pvp. To be honnest fire is solid in raid, balefire bolt kill immune target make sense it burn you too if you use it many times. Maybe they shoud give us a pheonix ability like kaelthas in heroes of the storm. I do agree with you about buffin fire mage pvp cauz spec is fun and just need a few adjustements or something new. Use frost spec but use ffb with the talent who increase range in the fire tree 41 yard is more than fine more advice for you use the gear who reduce magic resist from AQ temple it will help even next phase when they have frost resist gear.

Dude, give me 50% of wraith fire mage. I’ll be happy. I hate that they buff ice lance, they should’ve buff frost bolt and shatter. I dont like the retail play style where no one cast anymore.


Lol, look at this “How do you do fellow children” ah post.

Thank you for the mental gymnastics lesson on how to cope with being a Mage in SoD but I’d prefer the people I pay to balance the game. If you’re not a Blizzard employee/ai then you have a serious case of stockholm syndrome “mage brother”.

Try casing scorch (1.5s with 70% reduced chance to interrupt) while sitting in a starfall that isn’t channeled, can’t be interrupted.

One has to wonder if they’re trying to force mages to heal. When they were never healers, the people who played them had no intention of healing and wanted to be glass cannons. Now they take the most damage and do the least.

If you go frost/fire then your “filler spell” is frostfire. Balefire when you can.

The best PvP mage spec is frost/imp CS. Its better with exalted ZG, but you can still make it work without

Fire mage in wrath was chefs kiss.

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Well was trying to be nice and tell you what i know i never said frost is the best spec in the game. I also said they need to buff fire mage pvp you unhappy they snob you when you did same to me…

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I’m as pvp geared as you can get as a mage and I get 2-3 shot by Hunter / Paladin / Boomkin / Shaman / Warrior / Rogue.

Warriors - charge in combat, intercept, death grip, trinket on 2min timer. GFL

Rogues - w/ trinket, shadow step, backstab (in front of you or not) 4-5 second kill timer.

Hunter - LOL GFL, no interaction, nothing to do with them just accept the damage. If you try to sheep you will have died without casting fireblast gj.

Druid - Pick your poison, unkillable feral on your face or boomkin no interaction instacast majority damage. CS’d the Wrath? Get .75s starfired for 3k. GL casting through starfall, starfire crits for 700.


I know, maybe if they give us a permanent molten armor buff who stack with another mage armor. I stop playing fire on my main mage for the same reasons. Just feeding even throwing living bomb do nothing anymore you get no crit and not a single hotstreak and i have rank 14 on that other mage and i die same ways, frost do a lil better but just ice lance and ffb with range from fire tree but it’s not op they just trinket fap and it’s gy time.

Mage is glass cannon in sod. When I ranked mine some bgs I’d go 20-5 , others I’d go 10-15 etc. After frost mage buff it’s second best caster imo behind boomkin

Cata is best version of fire mage. Not even debatable.

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Also if it wasn’t for consumables mage would be a lot higher. Not much you can do when a rogue opens up on you and pops a fap. It forces you to use both ice barriers and both ice blocks then you dead.

The dev’s have made it crystal clear if a class is at the top of warcraft logs their damage output will not increase, so we are just gonna have to accept that fire invulnerability, Ignite and now Glacier/Winter’s chill will forever inflate the numbers.

A big issue for PvP is that some classes get a direct damage increase on abilites, while others get damage increase based off debuffs/buffs that stack over time, making PvP even more scuffed.

So we should focus on survivability. Merge Mage Armor and Ice Armor, increase the armor substantially and increase HP by 10%. Increase Ice barrier Absorption. Reduce Mana Shield drain. Ice Lance and Spellfrost Bolt should interact with Arctic Reach. 30y range as a Mage is SoD is relentless.

Right, thats why I didn’t propose any damage increase. Dragon breath, blazing speed, cauterize, blazing barrier are all incredibly simple non damage increasing quality of life spells for fire mages.

You want to add more runes/abilites to Mage from retail that stuns or gives you movement speed? we’re not getting any more runes and I don’t see how we would survive any more with those abilites. Just make it simple and increase our overall armor/ice barrier/hp

Some armor buff that can’t be dispelled, purged etc


Molten armor have same coding from wrath and can’t be purged in sod but it’s a weak rune who don’t help in pvp. I use balefire since everyone is immune and sacrifice my buffs and mele impact proc to deal a minimum damage.

Retail fails and I hate it. Too bad the current dev team that works on Classic is trying to make Classic so similar to retail. Dang.

Living longer isn’t the issue. You run out of mana after dueling one person, the runes have clauses in them that for no reason have drawbacks unlike every other class, you don’t have spells to peel melee off of you, a 2.5 second cast that does 2.4k dmg with full HWL gear vs getting Kill shotted for 3k, ambushed/backstabbed on gcd for 2k, holy shock spammed for 2.4k instant speed, starfired for 2.7, aim shot for 2.8, take your gd pick.

So yah I want dragon breath to reset and gain distance, I’d love running scorch, armor & hp does NOTHING when a hunter can shadow meld during your 2.5 cast, and then scatter shot, and then feign death, while keeping up FULL DPS. This also is the case for EVERY other popular class out there, Druids maintain full dps: activate starfall, moonfire/starfire and receive 700dmg crit DOTS, paladins dump 5k dmg in a GCD, warriors, rogues, priests, shamans… just fix the class lol.

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Just randomly looking at runes for other classes and its like… Warlock: Your shadow bolt hits up to 5 (NICE jfc) targets, but does 5% less dmg. Oh no :frowning: /s

I look at Elemental Shamans runes and it’s just benefits, they don’t say “But” in any of them.

Looking through the shadow priest runes and they’re insane. Again no “buts” it’s just “hey your dots can crit and when they do instead of 100% it’s 200% more dmg now lol.”

Again I ground out HWL, and during my entire time (100s of hours) playing there were few to no mages in the games. People coming in here to cope are not topping their BGs in KBs, they aren’t winning duels, they’re not doing well in STV BM events.

It’s not rocket World of Warcraft.