Another Mages are bad thread SOD

Honestly agree with you they could rework fire tree like they did with mage healer simple changes who dont hurt pve balance, add dragon breath to combustion and rework improved fire ward to proc the move speed and the disarm i think they should buff pyroblast pvp damage by 40%… so spec make sense. Please sod dev if you see this buff fire mage pvp, it’s so sad to play even in p4 when they had 200 fire res felt better to play than now. Living flame and arcane surge both should be buffed they been same since p1-2.

I just can’t understand why this hasnt been fixed already. I’ve been saying mages have mana issues especially in pvp. I wish I could’ve clipped a fight I had on my rogue with a mage that ran out of mana trying to kill me. lol

Its such a shaman that Mages and Warriors have been left behind so far in SOD. (except for healing in raids that change was and has been amazing.).

…You don’t see how mages would survive better with an instant cast disorient, a small sprint, a literal cheat death, and a barrier outside of Frost? Do you actually play mage or? Also: mana problems. There is far too much mana drawbacks for what little the class brings against every other dps right now.

“Living longer isn’t the issue” and you proceed to list all the spells that kills us in 2-3 gcds. You made my point for me

Mana is not nearly an issue as it was with Ice Lance costing 97 Mana and SFB 145, but they should decrease the cost of Ice Barrier and CoC seeing as they are almost useless in SoD PvP.

No, I don’t. The classes that kill us wouldn’t care less about a melee range disorient that breaks on damage, or sprint. As If a boomkin/Hunter/Ele from 41 yards could care less. We die too easily, get that into your head. Getting more stuns/sprints or shields that is purged or dispelled doesn’t help in Season of Burst you Down from all angles in 3 gcd’s.

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I want to play all the mages specs and fire is my favorite one in pvp let us dream a litlle ! I do agree mana got improved but i dont mind a new rank for mana gem it’s not era anymore. For SFB it’s an arcane frost spell they prob can never help us for the range increase me i adapted and play arround FBB 41 yard range with less damage but can still get burst from icelance. All arcanes offensives spells at 30 yard for mages sadly.

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I get that. Also forcing Fire mage to tab target Living bomb is awful. I would say decrease the mana cost on Living bomb as well. I understand people want more spells and tools, but this isnt retail where you can survive for 2 minutes in a 1v1. I just want all of us Mages to focus together on what we actually need to be able to survive the burst and get to play our class.

And yeah the 30y limit on Arcane/frost is game ruining. The fact that FFB interacts with fire range talent and arcane/frost does not with arctic reach is absurd

Uhm. Were heals and remove magic bots now

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Yeah true maybe do it for both arcane blast and spellfrost 36 keep arcane barrage and missile 30 so we keep it fair for everyone.

Couldn’t have said it better myself brother. Totally makes sense

I love mage healing this toon is the prouve of that, i go heal in raid just for the fun of it in pve but we have 2 others dps spec that we like to play pvp and dispelling and healing at 30 yard vs 50 is suicide mission.

This isn’t about you, and nobody is arguing with you. You’re claiming mage unity while derailing a thread lol.

More life and armor isnt the issue, if you’ve ever been healed in a bg you would know that. You run out of mana after killing two people with balefire and utility spells.

More/faster damage, more utility, a little survivability. None of this is to much to ask for from blizz. (Edit) And remove the asinine drawbacks of runes which are supposed to turbo us out like every other class.

The Fire Mage experience summed up:
streamable. com/3u1hlh?src=player-page-share

fair point.

if a Mage is using balefire instead of displacement which is NONE negotiable in PvP you lose your rights to complain about the class.

be specific? none of this will stop a boomy/hunter insta casts that kills you in 3 sec

There’s a middle ground between 2 minutes and 3 seconds.

Displacement is a hella fun skill and you are correct its a most in pvp.

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just wait til mop.

how about we have living bomb apply to 5 people per cast and proc instant cast pyroblasts

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I don’t disagree that Displacement is awesome, but if you’re playing Fire it’s hard to give up Balefire 2.5s cast through iceblocks/pali bubbles for spellfire bolt that has a 3s cast. And it’s unfortunate we have to chose between our best damage and our best utility.

Pyroblast crits proccing hot streak would be a good start for putting out faster more consistant damage, meteor would also be nice along with dragons breath. I legit think D-Breath would help ALOT in fire PVP. You can blink into a hunter to land a dbreath and sheep to set up meteor/balefire/fireblast/pyro. That’s fast damage with utility.

Molten Barrier and blazing speed again would be great for dealing with melee, we don’t have to win every m/u. BUT we shouldn’t be losing to every m/u. Dealing with druids in general has always been unfavorable for mage with shapeshift and no poly. Can’t do anything about starfall which supresses casting and does hella dmg.

What if hotstreak procs applied Molten Barrier? Now your offense is your defense, ties directly into fire theme.

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