Another lie? I'm just so disappointed

Ha ha, now that could be the truth!

So far I do see some new things to do in 8.1, so it may take a week or so for me to decide if 8.1 was a good thing, or just a waste of time.

Considering the number of bugs that have been reported this patch, I’ma go ahead and put my money on “oversight” for this one.


Notice how you are trying to change the context of our discussion. I am keeping to the topic of thread which is your first post. So I take it you don’t want to produce proof either?

Sheesh. People are just looking for something to complain about now.


Nah it’s you are trying way too hard to defend it… when I just posted a link on my first post.

What, being promised something and it not being delivered should be okay? It’d be okay if this was the only disappointment, but honestly it’s just the frosting on the crap cake.

We’re paying money for this game. We’re not getting what we’re paying for, and this is just another example of that.

OP, you’re perfectly justified in being miffed. They said they’d do it, didn’t, and just supposed no one would really care. This is on top of the patch being hot garbage in the first place.


You posted a link from Wowhead reporting what was in the PTR. How long have you two played the game? And yes, you are dramatically changing the topic. Your post is only about this one animation. Now you want to say I defending everything they left out.

Let me tell you something. Before I refuted your post, I went to the patch notes that were posted on Monday to see if it was listed there and then not put in. If that had been the case, you would have had a leg to stand on but it wasn’t. Blizzard never promised anything.

Do you see what class I am playing? I loved that new animation. I would have been happy to have it. But the fact remains, being in the PTR does not guarantee that something will make it to the patch.

You can be disappointed that it was not included but you cannot call Blizzard staff liars when it was never promised.

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This is huge for me… I play prot paladin… and this animation was a huge hype for me…

If you don’t care, why do you have to be rude?


I didn’t complain about nothing, they promised us with a new animation they got me hyped… then when finally after weeks of waiting… I get nothing?

At least communicate with us… tell us that it got ‘canceled’ or whatever… this is just sad and not even good.


So are you going to produce proof that the animation was promised because no one else could.

Because if you actually think like an average person instead of someone who has a large ego you could have worked out that clearly I had seen the effects many times in various videos and datamines and so it tweaked in my head that they were supposed to be coming. Obviously, I got muddled up and am mistaken which I have already admitted to.

Instead of trying to be correct in the most arrogant of ways you could have just said, from the beginning: “Actually you guys aren’t correct. Yes, there are new effects on the PTR, but they haven’t actually said they would be releasing in 8.1”.

Hopefully you are just coming off as a jerk and are not usually this way.


I’m not changing the topic, what about the WSG/AB remastered? didn’t they also said that it’s coming in 8.1? how come we still have the old models?

I already did, Wowhead, Icy veins and MMo-champions if all those sources are a joke and fake… i don’t even know what is not.

I have said that more than once and OP still is claiming they did. I don’t think its what a “jerk” I am that you care about or you would be telling OP he shouldn’t be calling people liars if they didn’t lie.

You were wrong and so you are trying to shift the focus to me hoping people get distracted. So given that you are now admitting that you made a mistake about Blizzard promising something, I am not going to bicker with you about how I could have worded my posts.

They all report what is in the PTR. That is not the same as Blizzard promising anything. I cannot imagine why you don’t get that.

Where is that then in your original post? The fact that you are changing gears now means nothing. And besides, why do you even care? The only thing you cared about was the paladin animation. At least that’s what you claimed.

Then why didn’t they say “Hey guys, these kind of animations are just there for the TEST… they aren’t going to live”

Why did we only get wings, beacons and couple spells and the rest we didn’t?

I feel like that is just a slap in the face and you are the one that is not getting it.

I’m not “trying to shift the focus”. I said I was WRONG and now I’m calling you out for being a grump. I hadn’t read your posts here other than the first one responding to me and I also hadn’t read the other posts pointing out that they were only on the PTR so I hadn’t tweaked that those effects were just from the PTR.
Then you came in all huffy at me when you could have just said they were just on the PTR. This whole argument (with me) could have been avoided at multiple times if you had just been nicer and told me.

I still think Smashy has a reason to be disappointed even though we have concluded that Blizzard didn’t actually lie.

I get that you feel insulted but I am beginning to get the idea you really don’t understand the purpose of the PTR.

PTR = Public Test Realm
Everything on the PTR is there only for testing. If you honestly did not know that than my apologies for assuming you did. Now you do.


I wasn’t being huffy when I asked you why. I wanted to know why since part of what he said was false and you disagreed with him on the other half. That made no sense to me.

Then my “game” was snarkiness as you pointed out not huffiness. In fact, I didn’t get huffy until you started in on how egotistical you think I am. You actually were the person you started the ad hominen arguments with me. So there you go. We disagree again.

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The spell animations updates we did receive are far better than the consecration one was going to be, and it’ll likely be added later.

Personally I wasn’t a fan of it.

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I mean… It’s not really that great.

What would be great is Night Elf paladins, but we don’t have those yet which is a real legitimate problem.

You came at me like a raging bull, guy. I had barely enough time to get out of the way before you gored me…:kissing_heart:

Btw, I can disagree with him on liking the effects and still back him up on being correct (or so I thought).

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