Another LFD rant, Blizz you gotta wake up

1 day later, OP got over 30. You got 2. I guess your reply proved the OP.

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Going down a totally unrelated tangent.

But if you think about it, what people want now is really Retail re-skinned, with LFR as the end game.

So we want borrowed power and chores to get that borrowed power?

Not even sure why LFR ever makes it to an argument it’s like people don’t even understand what it is or what it does or why is there.


Well, when i say Retail, it’s more the conveniences of Retail. Not the stuff required to “beat” the game which I assume would be Mythic raiding.

LFR is typically used for people who arent very good at the game but want to see the ending.

LFR drops trash item level it isn’t hard and doesn’t offer any sense of accomplishment yet it’s always bring up when talked about retail as if it holds any weight.

It’s like of all the difficulty that retail has everybody brings up LFR.


That’s what I thought at first because I didn’t know any better and people tended to use “Retail” as a casual oriented game.

But then I realized that Mythic relatively was really hard. And that the people who were playing Classic were the casuals. I think where people are coming from is that the majority of Retail is for the casual. However, in order to “beat” the game, it requires some dedication and time commitment - things that the Classic player base really don’t want.

Which is fine.


I didn’t call you a liar, I simply said it isn’t true that it’s impossible to find groups. You said “Literally no dungeon groups are formed ever”. I made a character and walked around in Stormwind and saw people looking for more. So your claim that no dungeon groups are formed ever is literally untrue.

You should probably stop using the word “literally” so loosely. Especially if you take such incredible offense to being told you’re wrong when you make wild assertions.

If you don’t like spam, then filter it! Or just come to terms with the fact that it’s not going to go away. :open_mouth:

I’m glad at the very least that some of the people who want dungeon finder in Wrath Classic are willing to wait for it so it doesn’t tarnish the experience for people who want it without.

I wish people were more okay with compromises and middlegrounds, at least when we’re just talking about it. It feels so much better to understand one another than to ONLY disagree and nothing else.

Well, just to be clear, are we talking about dungeon finder being implemented at launch? Or during ICC? If you’re referring to dungeon finder NEVER being implemented, then yes of course, I’d feel sympathy for people who will be very let down by it. I hate dungeon finder, but I can 100% understand why a lot of people love it and especially if they only expected to have the same experience as they did originally by having it in that phase of the game.

But if we’re talking about having it in at launch, then I’d just have to say that, while I understand that people want changes that are convenient for them, I also don’t think it matters. For example, what if I’m not a good raider and I screw up every boss fight for my guild and we can NEVER clear content? Does that mean that the game should be changed for everyone just to make me happy? Should we just make it so I can swipe my credit card to buy a full set of epic gear, parhaps? No, that would make no sense. Just because the outcome of my personal experience might not live up to my expectations, that doesn’t mean that the game should be altered from it’s ‘natural state’ for everyone just to appease my sensibilities as an individual.

By the way, I know that’s an extreme example, but the principle is precisely the same if we’re talking about dungeon finder at launch. We can use any example of altering the game to satisfy the needs of individuals (or even whole portions of the playerbase) whether they’re extreme or not; the act of changing something is the same.

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That’s not proof. It’s not even really decent evidence. People flock to the forums to share their opinions mostly when they’re upset about something. “Thank you Blizzard” threads do exist, but I think we both know that they’re vastly outnumbered by the threads condemning the WoW team’s decisions at any given time. And I’m not just talking about the dungeon finder issue. I mean always. This forum is always filled with unhappiness and outrage.

As an example, the exact same thing happened when they announced the paid level boost. This forum was flooded with people who were very upset about it. If you were to take stock of the number of people condemning it versus the number of people who supported it on these forums, the angry people vastly outnumbered the satisfied ones. The same thing goes for HvH battlegrounds. Before it was implemented, people spammed the forums demanding it. After it was implemented, the forums were spammed with the opposite outrage.

People generally don’t come here when they’re satisfied, so every time there’s any kind of controversy, it’s a completely different demographic of people lurking and posting here.

I’m not saying “pRoVe It!”, but I’d genuinely be very interested to see screenshots of the threads that were removed if they existed. Something that happens quite often here is that toxicity flares up from people who are upset about a WoW team decision and they get carried away. There are three reasons I can think of that nay sayers’ threads would be removed:

  1. The thread(s) was considered spam, because of course the forums are absolutely flooded with very similar threads over and over again.
  2. The OP let their passion take over and the thread was removed for inflammatory language towards the people who disagree or the WoW team.
  3. The OP was banned from the forums for posts they made elsewhere and their threads were archived as a result.

I’m not sure if #3 is accurate – I have no idea if banned accounts have their threads immediately archived. But it’s something that I’ve seen on other boards before. You’ve got to remember too, that punitive action on these forums are almost entirely driven by user reports. I actually just recently had one of my own posts removed because it had apparently gotten reported several times as spam (which is hilarious because I think I was the only one in that thread who was really getting deep into the discussion).

I don’t really think anyone could actually make that claim knowingly. We know for a fact that Blizzard collects an enormous amount of data from their customers through surveys. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some surveys that we’re not aware of.

Either way, knowing how much market research they do, I’m inclined to think Brian Birmingham was being perfectly honest when he said the decision was based on feedback. Just because that feedback isn’t very clear to us on forums and social media platforms, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist in vast quantities in ways and places that are only available to Blizzard themselves.

This is a good example of the thing I was talking about. You obviously disagree with the people who dislike dungeon finder. But you don’t have to frame it in such a distasteful way. When you let your interactions with, and about, people you disagree with turn toxic, you’re basically just asking to be report spammed.

Again. We don’t have solid facts. It’s literally impossible for us to have a fully accurate idea of what the general playerbase wants. And we also have no way of knowing that Blizzard isn’t operating based on a fully accurate idea of it.

Boosters don’t want to play the game to level. Dungeon finder makes running dungeons more convenient, but it’s not like the game suddenly plays itself. If your idea of playing WoW is literally being tabbed out and doing other stuff while your character is leveled up, running dungeons isn’t suddenly going to be enticing because the game will build the groups for you. xD

The LFG channel is literally 100 people spamming their message 4 times, overflowing the chat constantly to the point an addon was created to compile who is looking for what. This is not social, it is garbage.


Rants about Blizz incompetence, appeals to consensus, insulting people who dont share your opinion sure is worthy of consideration. Its a wonder Blizz doesnt embrace the entitled attitudes with open arms.

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If you read the posts on the forum regarding people who want the LFD option in Wrath Classic a.k.a 90%+ of us

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There was a time when 90% of the forums were posts saying “GIVE US HvH BGs!!”. When Blizzard did it, the forums were 90% posts saying “YOU JUST KILLED THE ALLIANCE”. The only “proof” that can be gleaned from the forums is that people flock to them when they’re pissed.

it did, it killed a good portion of the Ally pvp community because the resault from that was no more group premades, and now its premade vs premades, and if you tried the 5 person que method with another 5 you could get a ban for win trading if your against your other premade team and one of the teams win.

Oh, I 100% agree. I was very unhappy that the WoW team relented on that.

You see my point though, yeah? I went from being the minority to the majority on the same topic literally overnight. :laughing: We can’t assume that the forums (or any social media platform) accurately represents the population’s feelings on a given subject because it’s the veeeeeery tip of an enormous iceberg.

I wasn’t the one who replied to you, but you must be joking here…
Your entire tone throughout this thread has been insanely condescending. And you don’t think people are gonna take offense to that? No one likes feeling as if someone is talking down to them.

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I haven’t meant to come off as condescending; I’d be happy to apologize to anyone who may have felt that way if we were having a discussion.

That being said, I said this because Holystripe said “I’m sorry your boosting RMT business will go down if RDF comes out.” Accusing me of being a booster and breaking ToS while having absolutely no knowledge about who I am was way out of left field and completely off-topic. If someone thinks I’m being condescending, they should address it rather than turning this discussion into some childish pissing match.

I’ll say it again. People are supposed to be well over a decade+ older and wiser. Lol. Seems like nothing has changed. Perspective is a hard thing to get these days i guess.

If you can’t see how your statements regarding people’s available time to play and the “go play retail” comment come off as condescending, then I can’t help you. They’re passive-aggressive comments and that type of thing angers people, especially people who are already upset. You also straight up insulted someone because they didn’t agree with you.

In all honesty, the reason people are causing a ruckus on forums (and reddit, and twitter, and every other form of social media) is because Blizzard has proved time and again that this is the only way to get their attention when they’re making a potential misstep.

They NEVER listen until it’s too late and then they wonder why their subs fell off.

Everything you say is true.

But it begs the question why some are still against LFD? I’ll tell you. They have a flexible life schedule and as much free time as they desire. They simply don’t care about other peoples life circumstances.


What you don’t play on a high pop realm?

What you don’t have a pocket tank/healer available at your beck and call?

What you don’t play on a normal schedule?

Oh you don’t, maybe you should just go play retail.

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