Another honor gripe post

Honor we need to earn more of it!


For 100 kills, you used to get 5000 honor in TBC

Now for 100 kills, you barely get 1000. I have screenshots to prove it.


Exactly. Why is honor so nerfed?



20.9 honor split between all nearby players participating in the kill or in the same party/raid is not 50 honor a kill.

you used to get WAY more honor from higher ranked people that you killed. you got a hell of a lot more honor for killing a grand marshal

It Classic, yeah sure. Those ranks are irrelevant now other than just a title.

So honor gains are completely accurate?

Oh boy, here we go again:

The only time a kill awarded more than 20.9 honor at any point during orignal TBC, was when a lower level killed a higher level. For example, this level 65 killing a level 70 gets 25 honor:

All the evidence I’ve seen points to current honor gain from kills and battleground objectives being completely accurate to original TBC.

i can absolutely confirm they are not.

I farmed up full pvp gear in less than 2 months playing casually a couple hours a day after i got out of school. No one is able to do that now

I can absolutely confirm they are and just posted a load of evidence. I’d post more but what’s the point? I could post five thousand videos and screenshots proving you wrong but some people just don’t care about the truth.

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Nice, there’s a false narrative spreading around then that honor gains are too low relative to original TBC. I wish people would just ask for honor buffs instead of just flat out lying.

are you getting 20-25 honor per kill right now in bgs?

People think they can gaslight Blizzard into improving honor for the sake of “authenticity.” I think it’s a contemptible tactic and probably stems from a realization that #nochanges and “authenticity first” philosophies were not actually in their best interests.


Kills are worth 20.9 honor in a level 70 vs 70 situation split between all nearby party/raid members or players who participated in the kill, as it’s always been.

Real quick, I notice that blue post is from December of 2007… tbc launched in January of 2007… so that’s almost a full year after the game came out… do we know that honor rates weren’t higher pre patch 2.3???

20.9 EXACTLY huh??? you JUST posted a pic of guy getting +25 in nagrand, hows that now? i thought things were EXACTLY the same?

It’s almost as if you didn’t read my post, or the blue post.

He noted that it is a lower level character killing a higher level character… and stated that is the only scenario that would occur

Honestly I didn’t because it’s so low Rez I had to zoom in on my phone and it was super hard to read