Another Failure

How many years has Bobby been firing people before the end of the year so he gets a huge check?

Stopping you right there, you get more players to stay by adding fun achievements.

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FF14 does. Again, like I already stated.

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Yes. If you want to play, you have to pay. That been a thing since the game was released. Still no one is forcing you to sub. If you’re unhappy with the game unsub.

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Idk, I also dont care. Also, what does that have to do with anything?

And that’s great and all, but it doesn’t change the fact that the mounts cost money to develop and that cost has to be recouped somehow.

Adjusting for inflation, the sub fee should be $20/month.

Instead of adjusting the sub fee to keep pace with inflation, we get store items instead.

Which would you prefer, OP? It sounds like you want them to get rid of the cash shop, but increase the monthly fee. Fine with me.

So as much as it sucks, every freaking company in Corporate America does the same stuff. It’s not Act/Blizz specific.


Actually a lot of people think achievements have had a negative affect on the game. Not all of them, but a lot of them.

I love watching GD get triggered by literally anything Blizzard does


That’s why we all keep coming back isn’t it?

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It never gets old, I agree.

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weird how often “fun” and “rewarding” are synonymous around here

Saying people like Bobby only know how to make money for themself.

And that’s great too but they make more by keeping subs up, not buy making them pay for a mount.

How about add content for the mounts so you keep subs? They still make millions and millions a year, more than most, if not all, other MMOs out there.

So instead of earning a trophy from doing your favorite activity you just want someone to throw it down on the table and be like “$20 and this bad boy is all yours”?

I’m fine with store mounts.

I’m not fine with store mounts being pushed out when there are gameplay issues that lower the quality of the game significantly, but still aren’t addressed in favor of a rideable Palico.


Pretty much this


So you want them to get rid of the cash shop and raise the monthly fee to its inflation-adjusted level of $20/month. Just so we’re clear on this, right?

Theirs is way better though tbh. Game services are way cheaper, lots of cosmetics, etc… It’s not quite as annoying having unique store mounts when you also have tons of unique in game mounts instead of a handful per expac with 40 recolors.

Don’t get me wrong, WoW does have some awesome mounts too, but if they were to show you every mount coming in the next expansion you could pick out the store mounts easily.

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I want them to work on the game over in game mount. They wouldn’t need to shove them out every 2 months if they didn’t treat WoW like this.

Try again. I said nothing of the sort.

But back to my original question, I’m guessing zero right? Zero experience monetizing a hugely successful game? What makes you think you have any idea how much money a cash shop mount will bring in over making it earnable in-game?

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Bobby made a lot of money for his investors as well. A LOT of money.

Probably why he still has a job.

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