Another "don't have time for classic" thread

Sure, the problem comes once you want to do something else other than just solo leveling.

Well I guess SOME PEOPLE should play RETAIL.
With the same money.

I find it hilarious that people are replying to my comments and could not understand that I was pointing out the obvious. It’s called playing devil’s advocate. You guys take this way too seriously. Telling me to grow up lol. Get over yourselves.

To some people, MC is progression raiding. Maybe they’ve never done it before. Maybe they want to experience MC and Other vanilla raids as a level 60 while it’s current content.

Good lord you all know how to really twist things. Learn to see the other side of the coin before you open your mouth.

Hahaha legit! It’s not like anyone is going to look him up :joy::joy:

They might get tricked into doing so - notice his channel now appears at the top of the thread under ‘popular links’.

Although, imagine being that desperate for viewers you have to trick them into clicking on your content.

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Sorry but if you don’t have a couple of hours a day to yourself to do what you want then you live a pretty sad existence. I’m sure your boss really appreciates all the money you make him though.

The biggest pitfall for MMOs is that it’s only for people with lots of free time. That could be why they’re fading away or being turned into MOBAs or pub games. You have to get all these people together to create an online world.

Yup and no matter the level of complaining about it. It won’t change. Ion reiterated this in in a recent interview.
So all the alt hopping to whine about it is pointless. :popcorn: :coffee:

From the article:

"Just as importantly, Hazzikostas says, is that Classic “is what it is” and that players have to take “the bad with the good”—even if that means missing a boat because a priest mind controlled you. “There is no lobbying the developer to change that because the game is what it was in 2005,” he adds. “It has to be accepted, which then frees everybody to find all the positive aspects, all the upsides of that friction and those inconveniences because there’s a certain acceptance of the downsides.”

The article itself touches on a few things and is worth a read.

yeah pretty much what i point out. If you see out there the market share of mmo is going down. But classic is classic no matter but if contents are only catered to a few…the overall number will just dwindle. so only this few hard core ppl will stay. In reality Company is all about money and lesser player is lesser money simple which is not good for business.

I did all this when it was current a decade and a half ago. You know, when it was actual progression. Full tier 1 and tier 2, 3 pieces of tier 2.5 and a piece of tier 3. I know exactly what the difficulty is. I was in the best raiding guild on Turalyon (alliance) through the duration of vanilla. I have absolutely zero reason to rush and be a tryhard this time around. Been there, done that. Thanks.

I am at work 50 hours a week, I take full time University courses online, yet I still find enough time to raid 2-3 days a week and have cleared all current content.

Just depends how much of a life you want I guess. My Fiance plays with me as well, so we get to spend time together even if I’m playing WoW.

I work a full time job, have a girlfriend, and still have time to myself on weekends. I am in a raiding guild that raids 2x a week with an optional 3rd raid on sundays if i want. honestly the “don’t have time” thing is just an excuse. it’s just a video game, no need to overthink it. if you wanted to play more, you would make time for it.

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