Another "don't have time for classic" thread

With a kid, a full time job, and school, i wish i was only working.

So many people here think that it’s just work holding people back. It’s not.

Working 40 hours a week won’t hold you back at all. It’s when other hobbies / other lifestyle choices begin to dig into your time.

  • Going out during the evenings
  • Cooking Supper every night
  • Dealing with Pets
  • Doing chores around the house
  • Doing chores outside of the house (ie. Oil changes / Groceries / etc)
  • Spending time with Family (could also just include the Pets in here)

All of these add up. I myself play for maybe play for 8 - 12 hours a week on a good week.

To be fair, I’m also not rushing to 60. I’m doing all my professions and spending time helping out friends of lower levels. I’m just enjoying the whole ride.


Yep, so great for casuals. Join a MC PUG and kill a boss or 2 then come back tom…oh wait you can’t do that in classic because of raid lockouts.

I am legitimately happy for people who are able to and want to put the time into Classic to reach their goals, just as I was back in Vanilla. I have never been one to put more than about 3 hours a day (usually across multiple sessions) into a game, and, to me, that’s plenty. I see other people in their sweet raid gear, or in their R14 sets, or on their Frostsabers, and it just motivates me to put what time I do invest in the game to good use.

It’s not that I can’t invest more time in it. It’s just one of a few things I like to do with my spare time. And that’s fine. It’s going to take me a little longer to reach my goals. Fine. It’s always struck me as a low blow to even bring up how much time someone spends playing the game. The game that you also happen to be playing. It seems petty and indicative of straight-up envy. On the flipside, criticizing people for being casual is equally childish.

Just play the game how you want to and stop worrying so much about how other people play it. Accept that someone who plays more gets more out of it by design, and if that’s a priority to you, find more time.

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Fixed it for you. Easy to do when you have unlimited gold and a monkeys army to carry to your needs


How dare you refer to my 11 followers as a monkeys army! Also, you can see how much gold I have on my Titan Panel… Ignorance at its finest. I’m sorry you have such a hatred for anyone who streams.


That’s perfectly fine. It’ll take a few hours to build back up the consumables anyway and the chances that you can log-in repeatedly throughout the week as a casual is by definition slimmer.

Casuals are way more likely to be able to play in three 1 hour increments than in one 3 hour block. This is why raid lockouts were removed. Because Blizzard live in the real world.

Why can’t you just accept that? Just say you don’t care if Classic suits casual players or not. At least some people can be that honest.

Well I am a casual so obviously I care whether it suits casuals. And I do agree that casuals are more likely to have smaller blocks of time.

Have you never done partial clears? When I raided clearing the entire raid was an exception, and I wasn’t casual.

Yes, I have. I’ve also been in PUGs that disbanded after a single boss and couldn’t raid again for the whole week. It sucked. Raid lockouts are not casual friendly. They are the opposite. That’s why they no longer exist in raid content aimed at casuals.

Maybe some people also should realize that raiding isn’t the only thing to do in Classic. The retail mindset is, endgame, raid, logoff.

It really is opposite day!

I apologize if my initial post was blunt, I was speaking in general… I get that time is of the essence with some peoples’ lives. Family takes up a good portion, as it should. I already know my wow days will come to an end when I soon find myself in the same position. I applaud those with a family + kids that are able to play wow even if it is just for a brief period of time.

I don’t know if I’d say it was “made for casuals,” but we can definitely say it was more casual-friendly than other options of the time. That doesn’t mean there wasn’t some content that was only available to the 1%'ers.

This classic is significantly more casual-friendly than the original because we know there will not be expansions and that we can remain here indefinitely, if necessary… so playing only ten minutes per week will eventually lead to raiding, assuming you have a hundred or so years.

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It takes 20 minutes just to get to the raid. Classic is not casual friendly no matter what way you try to spin it. You need to set aside large blocks of time if you want to get any endgame content done. This is the complete opposite of retail where you can legitimately progress your character even if you only have 30 minutes per day to play.

If “that guy” is a reference to me, you should scroll to my reply. But I did make a follow up post retract my statement for the most part.

9-5 job + wife & 2 kids + social + extra curricular kids activities = 22 hours of week max of wow.
A far cry from the 16-18 hrs a day i used to put into this game when it launched!

Well I mean for starters, sure. It takes two weeks to get to the raid, but notice that I chose my words carefully.

“Lead to” does not imply “including.”

No, I mean it literally takes 20 minutes to get to the raid entrance from the Inn. If you can only play an hour a day, there’s 1/3 of your playtime gone just running there.

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I know right?
“I don’t have time” FOR WHAT?
The game doesn’t END.
You can level as fast or as slow as you want lol