Another day another hint of us heading to the"other side"/Avalaron

I think we encounter those moments with the Emerald Nightmare though I suppose that depends on the depth you reach such as a twisted version of the Moonglade or tormenting people like Jania with llusions. :robot::magic_wand: :smiling_imp:

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Probably a case of ā€œYou can enter, but the storms will stop you from leaving.ā€

That is, of course, until players get there and magically portals to Stormwind and Orgrimmar will exist.

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I donā€™t have twitter so canā€™t view that but it seems Iridikron will be the continued enemy it seems to me at least, weā€™ll be getting a storm riding gimmick aā€™la dragon ridingā€¦ thatā€™ll be the thing the devs work on instead of borrowed power legion mechanic each expansionā€¦ and it may be a very exploration based expansion by the looks of it that perhaps utilizes the old world revamped in some way.

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Jaina; champion, nazā€™jatar is impossible to leave.
jaina 2 seconds later; hereā€™s a portal to stormwind.



Could you imagine the outcry if they did the Earth Defense Force thing and had the plot take precedent over gameplay in that regard?

Granted, EDF usually does it for, like, one or two missions instead of two years, but stillā€¦

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Khadgar: ā€œWe destroyed the Dark Portal and weā€™re stranded on Draenor with no escape!ā€
Khadgar 2 seconds later: ā€œI can open a portal to Stormwind/Orgrimmar only for a moment to get wood and supplies through.ā€
Mages 2 seconds later: ā€œHereā€™s permanent portals to all of your capital cities.ā€


That patch seemed a little goofy on writing at the time. I recall Sylvanas got Xalā€™atath and Ashvane just to abandon them and several talented horde soldiers into the pit of Nazjatar. :notebook_with_decorative_cover::robot::question:

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She was trying to kill Thalyssra and Lorā€™themar because she believed they were starting an uprising around Baine.

Ironically, her doing this is what caused them to start the uprising.

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Goofy is an understatement :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but for TOS non breaking reason I can accept that term :stuck_out_tongue:


Iā€™m starting to worry that weā€™re going to run out of room for new lands on Azeroth.

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What do you mean?

Azeroth is born, creating a duplicate Azeroth right next to her, ripe for exploration

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I hope thatā€™s the last time anyone has to endure that horde plot as so many characters say theyā€™ll do or explain something way later. :robot::anger:

Iā€™m sure Outland has room, I even think the Bonechewer Clan is still thriving to make trouble. :bone::robot:

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