Another day another hint of us heading to the"other side"/Avalaron

Found by Mr gmyt on Twitter from a player named ursoc

A green dragon talking to Tyr about wanting to go to where the storms are born in the west, being told by tyr to not going there.

Obviously the green dragon ignored tyr and left, they never came back even though the whole of the green dragonflight looked for her.

The Otherside or Avalaron or " eternal storm" expansion clues are only increasing by the day. This was found in a book on the ptr.

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I don’t understand the concept of going to the “other size” of Azeroth. You can go to Argus and watch it do a full rotation.


Well, Dragon Isles was magically shrouded for a while. Wasn’t Pandaria too? Maybe this place has been magically hidden as well somehow. :thinking:


You could see the full rotation in ulduar too.

Pandaria was covered by old god mist.

Dragon isles by titan technology

The other side being covered by a never ending storm seems the excuse for this new place. I’m just confused how these people can go there but never come back

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Supposedly they die by what lives there.


I’m not sure how this would equal other side. If the map we see now is only one side, the other side could also be to the east.

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Perhaps they become stranded encountering strong defenses. :robot::beach_umbrella:

Or what Ogrezonia implies.

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Azeroth’s Bermuda triangle.


I just want more titan / old god lore. Titan lore is in my opinion some of the best. This feeling of getting to know the ins and outs of those who have these planetary systems for reorigination, that see you as nothing more than corrupted creations. Same with old gods getting ti fight ghun with all his icky nasty looking tentacles and pustules was so much fun.

Oh infinite dragon sis my second favorite thing.


So was like icecrown-> sanctum some sort of chain that was holding back a void tear in the sky or some shizz?

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How when Azeroth is flat?

They moved Kalimdor closer to the east, they’ll probably put the new island just west of Kalimdor…i wonder if we’ll get load screen of Alliance players going east to land on the continent


I can’t speak for everybody, but you know what won’t get me excited for the next x-pack…yet another land mass on Azeroth covered in mist that had little to no story relevance up to this point.

At least in BFA and Wraith, everyone knew the land mass existed. We just never went there.


Could it be a rescue mission? Similar to how Pandaria, WoD, and Shadowlands led us. :memo::robot:

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I don’t mind this sort of thing really. Video games often have to bend the story a little to accomodate gameplay, and that’s okay.

I just hope the characters are interesting and the lands are immersive and systems are fun. :upside_down_face:


You guys left me out of the knowledge… :smirk:

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You saying azeroth is flat…? Thought she had a big che-
/sudden censorship by titan magic


I sat and watched the full rotation of Azeroth from the Vindicaar, and there are a few key issues that make it not representative of the planet’s entire geography.

For one, the vantage point only lets you see the northern hemisphere of the planet, with a large portion covered in clouds. Essentially what is visible to the player is Northrend, the Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, and the Broken Isles.

From a meta standpoint, we have to consider that this rendition of the planet is representative of the Legion expansion and what existed in the game at that point. Even with that in mind, the Isle of Quel’thalas, the Eversong Woods, the Azuremyst Isle, and Bloodmyst Isle are all missing from this version of Azeroth because technically those maps exist in Outland.

It would be really cool if they periodically updated this Azeroth to reflect our actual perception of the planet, but I can see why that wouldn’t be a priority for them.


Does it look pretty at least?


Yes we shall head to Aorzea on the other side of the planet.