Another day another hint of us heading to the"other side"/Avalaron

that a bit of a stretch to say thats a hint to the next expansion… theres a ton of “hints” that get left behind each expansion that players swear are part of the next story/expansion

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And we can only get there by taking the pirate ship, White Pearl and flipping it upside

Welcome to inverse Azeroth friends. Where everything is all mixed up. The wagon caravan SW is in Durotar led by the invading Fel Humans from the Planet SoldGhire as they prepare to wage war against the charitable and ancient cosmic Horde race who built the Neo cyberpunk city of Ogrriram

Our leaders Andall and Thranduin wage epic battles. The tech savvy Tauren and the Druidic Goblins must fight the forces of Murgrgggl gnomes and sky pirate dwarves

BTW, no one has seen any elves. Of any kind

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


Me too, love that stuff. Though I can’t figure if they’re saying the Old God’s were better than we thought, and the Titan’s were worse … looking forward to new story.

This true, and I don’t mind either. Can be fun!

Systems! I’m coming to hate that word regarding WoW!!! Lol


No need for Argus if you’re a Lightforged you can sit on the vindicaar and watch it in real time.

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The question is how many times can they do it without you quitting? Seems like we haven’t hit that number yet. So onward we go.

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I liked Shad’s comment on it in another thread. LOL


It’s eye-roll level dumb, as far as I’m concerned. They have spaceships, boats, subs, planes, etc. They’ve been across the cosmos and to the afterlife, yet somehow no one on Azeroth has ever returned from the other side (side of a round planet lol) of the planet, and in all these thousands, millions of years nothing has ever left that “side.”

All the other islands we’ve found at least had people that left them, even Pandaria, to confirm their existence.

Btw, how freaking big is Azeroth that it has all these continents and half a planet no one has been to? Is it like Rose Red and grows to whatever size it wants when it wants?

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Listen at this point people really cant complain about “hidden landmass” because we are running out of stablished zones in the old lore. Broken isles, dragon isles, kultiras zandalar, pandaria, northrend. I dont think the original creators of warcrafy envisioned the franchise expanded to a seemingly never ending mmo where new zones are REQUIRED every few years.

I enjoyed zaralekk, if only that could have been saved for a full blown hollow azeroth type expansion where we encounter very weird and crazy creatures old god spawns, old titan facilities,maybe even civilizations living inside the crust if azeroth that never knew what happened above surface. So I am ok with hidden landmass we need new lore and new lore means new zones

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Pandaria was another place we knew about though, because of Chen in WC3, so that can get filed with Northrend, Zandalar, Broken Isles, KT instead of SL and WoD.

But another hidden land mass is just lazy at this point. There’s endless places we could go: the elemental plains, Emerald Dream, entirely new planets, the moons, underground, under the sea, other dimensions, the future…

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Isn’t finding island or new lands high fantasy though… better then omg there a portal to a new planet

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Where did anyone say anything about this?

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Ehh it took months for Arthas to sail to Northrend

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That was on a wooden galleon, right? It took months to cross the Atlantic on those.

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When dragonflight was being reveled the devs talked a lot about high fantasy.

The behind Azeroth isn’t really as lazy as you’re painting it out when we haven’t seen any of the boat/ship load go across the opposite side of the map

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Rule 1 of World of Warcraft: Never, never trust globes as being an accurate representation of the world, even if it’s supposed to be the planet.

At best, they will only ever show what currently exists in the game (at least, what our characters can currently interact with). At worst, you get things like the Azeroth-from-space view where the northern section of the Eastern Kingdoms apparently stopped existing at some point.

note the entirety of Quel’thalas being missing above the Plaguelands here

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Yeah and even in MoP it took i think 6 or 4 months for the rest of the Alliance to arrive at pandaria. The world is massive, who knows how long it takes to travel from EK to Kalimdor much less going"behind" way especially when you hear people getting lost forever

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Where did I say anything about this?

You seem to be making up a lot of things that don’t exist.

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Oh, I meant rescue missions for the location to be plot relevant. :robot::sweat_drops:

…though I have to wonder if the Emerald Dream (Shaladrassil, Drust, Night Fae, Amirdrassil) has been squeezed too often to be exciting for an expansion. :memo::robot:

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I would expect Emerald Dream to be huge. Isn’t it like a failed Azeroth or a mirror world? They’d have to be the same size, but yeah, rather than a full expansion with some really trippy content, they’ve just had us raid there. I really wanted to see some MC Escher type zones–they could’ve literally done anything with a fantasy dream world.

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we’ve had globes in the game since wrath, they aren’t accurate and are just for visual decoration. Including the azeroth we see from space.

you can also go to the vindicaar and you wont be able to see the dragon isles (or at least couldn’t during legion, not sure if they’ve updated the azeroth model since the launch of DF)

anyway, we’ve known something was over there for a long long time now, supposedly ships that sailed east from the EK or west from kalimdor never came back, so clearly something is happening to them.

If it helps think of it this way, in game goldshire is what, 3 buildings? while in universe it has a population of several thousand, what’s shown in game isn’t always accurate to what’s in the story.

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