YES!!! When a topic comes up for it I may very well be making a GD/Professions forum topic to discuss it here as well and get more input.
I am torn. I ADORE professions and even the AH. I have issues with some aspects though. When they make it so complicated that it impedes raid progress (Vanilla), or requires Dungeons to get basic progression done (Legion), some get frustrated. I like being able to level, make useful things. I don’t like having to quest to rank a profession very much, or have progress tied to group content - other than recipes for gear/consumables that are raid related.
What is a correct balance of crafting being useful for low, mid, and end game? Should crafting be a source of BiS? How about catch up gear?
Can a non-raider focus on being a guild/server crafter instead of raiding?
How to make older crafting useful and fun - transmog recipes maybe? Make some of the iconic NPC garb from each expansion?
Woodworking yes or no? Bows, staves, maces, furniture…
If we finally get player housing how would professions work with that? Would it be viable to play the game as a furniture maker?
So many questions.