Another 8-Hour Maintenance Window

1 pair of garrosh shoulders says that they waste yet more time fixing another of rextroy’s stupid exploits that no one actually cares about (except for the ad revenue hungry bald guy who uses them for income) instead of the bugs that people really want them to fix.

They are not adding any more content.
But yes, its because its the last reset before the expansion.
I’m sure there is a lot to do, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we got another downtime later in the week too.

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Other than the second week’s content to the prepatch.

I can see launch day now .

Over crowded zones , log in queues , bugs up the ying yang , at least 2 rolling restarts and the ever infamous expansion release day ddos.


Correct, which is already in the game, just not unlocked.

I have the popcorn ready my friend.

I’ll bring the tiny violin so the Karens will be able to have dinner show while they enjoy their :wine_glass:


At least it won’t be like certain earlier hellish release days before they introduced sharding. Despite it’s problem, sharding did provide a much more enjoyable launch experience. And anyone who says not obviously was not around during WoD’s launch.

Is not yet live in the game, and presumably is always going to require updating before it is unlocked. Any game data is updated to a current status before the button is hit to let it loose.

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Time to get a job it seems.

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I do not believe this is how it works, but either way, it will not take 8 hours to do this, even if it did. This is a hardware thing, not a software thing. There will be no patch on Tuesday.

Got it all covered then lol!

Well, I will keep an eye out and see if there are Patch Notes afterwards. :sunglasses:

I hear Tuesday’s whine selection will be a bottle of Why is maintenance taking 8 hours vintage 2020.


16 years later without a single smooth expansion launch and people still unironically post stuff like this…:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Followed by replies of “Back in my day” and " Remember when every Tuesday was an 8 hour maintenance? Pepperidge Farm remembers."

So we will be having snacks :crazy_face:

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I feel like the 2 Orcs should go ahead and just blow each other. They’re almost there anyways.

Indie company.

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you’re kidding right?
i think this man belongs in the deepest depths of r/woosh :man_shrugging:

Another post about an 8-hour maintenance, why???