Annual Mage Tower

Which means, yes, the OP is incorrect in his correlation. This also includes the OWL skins from Atlantic and Pacific from 2017 and 2018, which are also time sensitive and will never come back. His argument holds no water. Time sensitive means time sensitive.

So the exception proves the rule? Congrats you countered an absolute statement.

No, it means what I’ve said. Time sensitive is time sensitive. If we are told: “Hey, this thing is available from this date, to this date, and will disappear after.” that means go get it now. Overwatch has it in the form of OWL championship skins and things like Pink Mercy, Kerrigan / Noir Widow. Time sensitive is time sensitive. That’s what it means.

The rule is time sensitive content doesn’t come back. You stated two cases where time sensitive content isn’t coming back. How exactly are those exceptions in this context again?

A scaled- down, ie, a number slider, wouldn’t work. I normally use Guardian Druid as an example when the scaling request is brought up as an argument why bringing back the MT would work, so that’s fortunate:

The Mage Tower for bear varied greatly depending on whether you had certain legendaries or not. I did, I had Luffa’s AND Ekkowraith, so I was able to take care of the eyes from half the platform away, AND I was able to hit Variss from outside his aura of Death and Decay.

But even with the legendaries, every once in a while you have to skull bash him. And there was tons of magic damage being doled out. And that’s just phase 1.

The reason why scaling wouldn’t work: Guardian Druids (I feel BDK also falls in this boat) lost SO MUCH by losing the artifact, mechanics that have not been regained via Azerite armor or essences, that it would take redesigning the encounter just to make it feasible AFTER it got scaled up or you got scaled down or whichever. Rage of the Sleeper and Adaptive Fur did so much heavy lifting in that fight, you’d have to redesign the fight or take the challenge out of the challenge entirely.

Skins come back seasonally = general trend

Skins that don’t come back = skins that are regulated by contracts

Since there are skins that don’t come back because of “X” reason, that means skins shouldn’t come back.

Rather inductive logic.

When they’re advertised that they aren’t coming back then that’s what should happen. They shouldn’t come back.


None of the skins that come back seasonally are advertised as time sensitive. Ever.

Skins that don’t come back are advertised as time sensitive with dates from start to finish.

X reason = “Hey, this is time sensitive”. If the devs want something to be time sensitive, that’s good enough.

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This is exactly how I feel about M+ content. I agree.

If you can’t do it when it is up or simply can’t earn it you shouldn’t get to use it.

Sure, that means I will never see those things, but that is 100% fine with me.


I dissagre, I do not believe that the dev’s made the context “time sensitive” by choice for the reasoning of preservation rather they had so many throw away powers in legion “legendaries, Artefacts and now set gear” that having a “fair go” and I use that word lightly here as I have said before by the end of legion it wasn’t not hard to do the mage tower.

I think that it is not impossible for the dev to make it so that you could pick legendaries from a vendor, have your artefact weapon and set gear from the time and give it a go.

I think it is a ridicules notion to sit there and say “because I got it at this time no one else ever should” If you feel you 'earned it" and worked “so hard” for it, why have you got such an issue with other people if given the fair circumstances a crack at it? because they weren’t playing at the time? and? I would much rather look at something and go “oh wow I can work for that and given time I could get that through skill” not…oh I wasn’t on then I’ll never get it, feels bad man

They did. The same way they did for MoP and WoD challenge modes.

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I don’t. I have an issue with people asking for things advertised as time sensitive to come back knowing they were time sensitive. To which I say - as I said earlier - you will live and you’ll get over it.

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that’s wonderful, you’re allowed to have an opinion, as am I.

you’ll get over that.

I think it’s just as ridiculous to be okay with Blizzard going through with bringing the sets back and lying to our faces about it being exclusive and time sensitive.


If possible, he should get Ai-Li’s skymirror.

i wouldnt personally care if they brought that stuff back. i rarely use any of my limited time exclusive items, and having other people one shot it wouldnt really upset me.


I was loving the story until I realized it was for the purpose of invalidating people’s hardwork in prior expansions.


As someone who has none of the Mists and Warlords sets, I am not okay with it coming back as a once a year event. And they’d need to rebalance it every time, which is a waste of time.

Limited time, you missed out. Make new challenges with new appearances.


Touching story. This is an RPG, where you win some and lose some.

So, no.

These don’t have a contract involved