Annual Mage Tower

I know they are inactive. But code isn’t like granite working with your bare hands, it can be changed.

Let’s just make every time-sensitive skill challenge available! Challenge mode sets from Mists/WoD? Available again!

What? You mean that cheapens the value of those rewards and spits on the people who actually went out of their way to earn them? Woah, and you mean to say class design isn’t even what it was in those eras? You don’t say!

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Imagine how that must feel to tell someone, “Oh hey here is this fun piece of content that I enjoyed doing in this expansion. But you can’t do it because I don’t want my pixels to be devalued.”

If the challenge can be fixed and facsimile to when it was live, then it should stay. Be a bit more imaginative. Blizzard is perfectly capable of conditionally having multi-strike be turned of WoD CMs, having the artifacts be only available for mage tower.

Being able to play old content is a big draw of Classic. And its a shame that it has taken this long for Blizzard to make it available again. They should treat more of their content as such. Just look at how transient seasonal content holds the community. One gimmick and one more FOMO to keep people hooked, until they burn out.


They would be the same. Same difficulty, same skills, same level, same gear, same stats.

“spits on the people who actually went out of their way to ‘earn’ them”

soooooo what about all the people who bought carries through Mists Challenge mode and in Wod too, I know I made a quite a bit of gold from it.

and as far as the “hard work” that went into the mage tower…maybe for the first few weeks, but lets not forget that by the time legion was ending, the mage tower was a gimmick at best, you could do that place with 1 hand on the keyboard. In fact I got my holy and Prot versions with 3 maybe 4 buttons on my action bars.

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Don’t care. I really don’t. We should be designing new content. Not constantly retuning old content that was advertised as time sensitive. You’re speaking to deaf ears right now.

Or, they can leave classic as it is and continue designing things for the live game. By your logic, we should have a Legion server. Sure, OP’s old man and anyone else can go get their shenanigans on a Legion server if / when it comes out by Blizzard and is legitimate, but like classic, it should have no bearing on the current game. Trophies are trophies.

I have told people that things are time sensitive and no longer achievable for the sake of maintaining a prestigious trophy for those who excelled. They got over it. So will other people.


Nope. Leave the past in the past. Promote for there to be new challenges with cool new exclusives for your old man to go after.

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This doesn’t help you. Devaluing the work of others (and yourself) makes you come off disingenuous while trying to push an agenda. If you cannot be constructive while providing feedback and can only bring forth strawman arguments, it’s not good.

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Yes I want them to continue maintaining retail. No osrs for the old expansions. But they should make legacy servers for all expansions even WoD. If someone likes something in that time period they would be free to play it. The only foreseeable downside is the obvious thinning of the population across too many legacy expansions.

You’re legit talking about the mage tower like it is a world first mythic kill.

It’s not, like I said by the end of legion it was basically handed out to anyone at that point “time sensitive” the only sensitively I see here are the people getting upset over someone suggesting that a skin be re- obtainable they do the same thing in overwatch every year and skins in Starcraft from past chests are obtainable, I don’t see people cracking it over that.

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I disagree with this. An MMO is about time investment, and the game / world changing around the player with the player being the constant. Shadina has gone through BC, WOTLK, Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, and BFA. She has seen all these things. But she is still Shadina.

Time sensitive means time sensitive. The mage tower was advertised as such. People operated under that line of thinking. It should remain exclusive for that reason alone. That reason is more than enough.


That’s great. I’m not. It was advertised as time limited. If they had advertised that it would be up once a year, than sure, but they didn’t. They said it would be gone for good, and needs to stay as such. I’d rather they work on new content like it instead of putting time and dev resources into “making it as challenging as it was back then”. Move forward. Saying “oh, by the way, that thing we said was never coming back, yea it’s coming back” would be bad for the game. We could never trust a “it’s time limited” announcement again, and people would cry when other things they say are time limited actually are.

Except people were still complaining about it being removed because they couldn’t get it. And it’s not a World First kill. We played with the understanding that certain pieces of gear was going to be removed. Doing a “Haha! Just kidding!” move from Blizzard would just be a slap to those who actually stepped up to the challenge within the time frame that it was available.

That’s why context is so important, I do believe I said “by the time legion was ending” and as you should know at that time everyone had massively increased in power to the point “challenging content” was now just content.

I don’t think I am disingenuous at all, I clearly said that I think a title would be fitting and that the challenge should be as real as it was back then, perhaps a chromie situation where you “go back” as it were to that time with these skills while it was still a “challenge”

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No I’m not. I’m talking about the mage tower as it was. A time sensitive piece of challenge mode content, advertised as such.

Also false. Pink Mercy, as per your example, was advertised as time sensitive, and was for charity to assist with Breast Cancer research. Pink Mercy has never come back, and will never come back. The Noir Widow skin was advertised as time sensitive and an award for pre-purchasing OW. It has not come back, and will never come back.

The Mage Towers were advertised as time sensitive for over a year. Much like Pink Mercy and Kerrigan / Noir Widow, they will not come back. Such is what “time sensitive” means.

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With scaling content and Classic on the way, I don’t see why any old content can’t be brought back into the game.

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Won’t and shouldn’t happen.

Also consider those appearances required the benefit of artifact weapon traits, and legendary items that are inactive.

While I don’t condone resurrecting unique old content I do like the idea of having a yearly mage tower challenge for each xpac. That’s kind of a cool idea.

Pink mercy is that way because of the money towards the cause. There are contracts that stipulate when such a donation drive will end. To go back on that would be a breach of contract and would open Blizzard to lawsuit. Same thing for the horde chopper mount.

Tbh it really does feel like Blizzard’s grabbing the ball and running with it hardcore since WoW’s inception.

FOMO be damned.