Annual Mage Tower

So I got my old man into play wow.

He is an old man with arthritis who can’t raid 'because there are too many flashing lights" , will run dungeons and world quest all for fun and will sit there for hours fishing because it’s calming for him. :smiley:

He started his journey in Legion as a Dwarf Hunter and has since changed to a Nightelf Guardian Druid and he is loving it! he is having a blast running around without having to worry about being killed because he can take the hits “he doesn’t mind if it takes a bit longer to kill things he uses a 1 button macro…you get the point” he enjoys running around and doing his world quests and I get on his Druid and tank a +10 for him each week so he can get some gear.

The other day he asked me to check something out, something he hadn’t seen before in his words “what the ***** is that beauty!?” while looking at the guardian Druid Mage Tower appearance and it broke my heart having to tell my old man that he would never be able to obtain that appearance “oh that’s a damm shame, that’s bloody cool looking aye, I’d love to have that”

And it got me thinking, I got my mage tower appearance for my Ret pally the first week it was up, Dad hadn’t even made his Druid at this point and as someone who has the challenge mode set from Mists and Warlords and the Mage Tower appearance I’m honestly ok with there being a once a year event that would let you have a crack at the mage tower appearances, it would be scaled and you’d have to try and make it as challenging as it was back then but i’m ok with having it as a once a year thing and not a “you’ll never get this again” give us a title or something to show off that we got it back then or something but at least let others have a chance to get these really amazing looking skins that returning players and new players can’t get anymore.

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No. Keep the Mage tower in the past like everything else that was limited time. That is the point of people putting in tons of effort for something. It cheapens it if they can just get it later.


I’d be fine with it if it were new appearances only. No old ones.


I’m sorry, but things marketed as exclusive from the day they were implemented and being achievable for over a solid year shouldn’t just be handed out to people who didn’t achieve it.


I’d like to get my old man to play wow but he resists my persuasion


Careful, unless you are a minor child.

The problem is that the mage tower was created during a time where we had a specific disposable character progression system in place. That system has been thrown out like a used diaper. They can’t balance the challenge like it was originally.

I missed out on the paladin appearances and paladin is my primary alt. Just something I have to deal with.


they stated last year it would be an every other expansion sort of thing to keep it fresh. They didnt want people expecting one every single expac.

Great to hear your old man is playing the game, but we don’t bring back old exclusive items just because people missed out. Let’s just make better, newer challenge mode things for bfa and beyond.

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No need to bring back old mage tower…but
Can we please get more things like this? solo challenges that give unique rewards that nobody can say you got carried to


If they don’t do a challenge mode for BFA, I will lose my mind.

The best thing about Legion was the mage tower challenges.

“Handed out”

I must have missed the sentence where he wanted to spend 100k or whatever nethershards for an appearance.


Digital artificial scarcity is so edgy in 2k19.


Hate to be that guy, your old man sounds chill, but Mage Towers should remain exclusive because they were advertised as time sensitive content. Time sensitive means time sensitive. It should not return.


Yeah, handed out. Artifact weapons were the cornerstone of Legion class balance, and they’re inactive. You can’t duplicate the difficulty of the challenges anymore.



There are a lot of other skins and tints you can get the ol man but sadly I agree that mage tower appearances should stay locked.

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I like when things are limited or rare in game.

This is what gives it value or worth.

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If the challenge is the same it’s not a handout. Or do you view naxx40 coming up in classic as a handout too, simply because it will be available again? Remove the time element and view the events independently.

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You berate me for “not reading” whilst not reading yourself?

You mean the original version of Naxxramas in the original version of WoW? Where everything from that era is active and preserved?

Are you serious?

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Yes it is. BFA class design and Legion class design are two different things. 95% of this game can be achieved at any time. The few time sensitive things brought forth should remain time sensitive. It inspires players to play here, and now, supporting the game and achieving something that won’t be here any longer. That’s the point.

Mage towers were available for over a year. While the OP’s old man wasn’t playing at the time, it’s not a reason that’s good enough to go back on something being advertised as time sensitive, and would cheapen the accomplishments of others who put forth the time and effort to acquire something in that given time frame under that understanding.

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