Honestly, I’m not sure why anyone would “rush” to pay cash for mounts anyway. There are hundreds of mounts in the game now, they are all effectively worthless.
Unless you stopped playing for months during the 12 month sub, you’re getting the mounts for free as an added bonus for paying for a year of gametime in advance (something I would never recommend doing).
There are only 3 mounts in the game.
Dragonriding, legacy riding, and utility mounts.
And there are rediculous amounts of different models and colors, but none of them, per mount class, does anything better or more than any other.
The only reason people want the different mounts is to say , “Look at me!!”, LOL
I myself, could never commit to a year sub for anything they could possibly offer.
I only did it because I got my backpay from SSI and figured I would buy it while I had that excess money so I didn’t have to worry about game time for a bit after I’m back to only my little bit a month. Lol.
Makes logical sense.
But my worry is always what happens if for some reason the game starts to really suck, you still have to pay for a game you no longer want to play.
It was never limited time. I don’t know where people are getting this from. Only the first one was limited time. This one never was. Nor was it ever advertised as such.
Yeah. It is quite funny seeing all of these store enjoyers getting upset at a store item being FOMO. You have no right to get upset about the “integrity” of this game when you purchase from a store, within a game that costs you monthly, after a $50+ price tag.
False. There was. I remember because I noted it on my calendar and I made sure I bought it like 3 days before the date. Then it got “extended” to the end of January. Then the date just sort of disappeared and it’s still there. I wouldn’t have bought it if there was no date, as I had game time until April. But I didn’t want to miss out.
Nope. That was the first thing I checked when it was advertised again. Only the first year sub was limited time, because they didn’t know if they’d continue the model. There was never a date.