Announcing TBC Now Would Crush SL's

Blizz knows full well they released another half dead xpac that players will be abandoning en masse within a month or two, so why hasten its demise?

TBC will come out shortly after everyone has admitted that SL’s is another BfA and is looking for something new to play.


I think TBC will crush retail altogether, since the vast majority of retail players who think it’s good never played TBC or WotLK. Once they see and experience what the rest of us have, they’ll be like us and want nothing to do with retail, especially knowing it’s all downhill after WotLK.


People said Classic would crush retail and we all know that didn’t end up happening. Sure the Classic launch caused a lull in retail, but after levelling a bit or running MC many of the retail players went back to retail. I expect the same thing to happen, especially if they give you a free level 58 character.


Idk these newer players many of them don’t have what it takes to get to 60 in classic let alone 70 in TBC. Heaven forbid they do it on a pvp server /shrugs

Sorry I should be polite. They are not interested in putting in the time and work. (Cause leveling in classic you are sure to die)


Idk, I don’t think TBC will have the hype and following popularity that Classic had. People have been saying that Naxx would bring everyone back cause so few experienced it and they’d all be excited to jump into a “difficult” raid.

Guilds are falling apart left and right just days before Naxx.


what even is the point of this post?

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I always wish retail well (I’ve played all expansions…I might wait a bit before trying SL). We will get TBC regardless of how well SL does.

It’s not a competition.


SL is time-gating on steroids, but time gating was still here in Classic and it ramps up in TBC by a heap.

That’s my number 1 biggest issue with the game and why I’ve decided to quit.

Really happy I got to finally experience the “vanilla” version of the game but now that I have I can’t justify the price anymore.

WoW is just an outdated game and modern games give so much more value.

Torghast was a really cool idea but I don’t think it fits with the outdated gameplay and it’s time gated like your covenant story line is with renown. And its been done better in free games.


What’s “SL’s”?

You guys don’t seem to be talking about Soul Link OR Siphon Life…


What modern games would you recommend (serious, not being sarcastic).

I’m really into Bugsnax atm

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Well first retail players kept trashing BFA and saying it was a dead game and then came to classic en masse, then after a few phases they claimed that Classic was trash and was dead/dying and that TBC would replace it, then they said that classic would definitely die after Shadowlands and Naxx release and “TBC release,” now they’re saying that Shadowlands will die?

It seems to me that the problem isn’t with the game either classic or retail the problem squarely lies with the retail playerbase and the fact that zoomers today don’t know what the hell they actually want.

Obviously no version of WoW will be perfect but bouncing around from game to game like that just because you don’t get exactly what you want is exactly why retail ended up where it is today.


but classic did crush retail, there were more raiders on classic than retail


Alot of people leveling are prob like the majority of people in my guild, they will hit cap, then raid retail, maybe pug some heroic raids in their offtime if they actually want to play retail, but no one is going back to SL to raid mythic while classic is out.

They substantially nerf the leveling experience from like 20-60 in TBC. More quests, quests give more exp, less exp needed, and elites removed from quests. It’s a cakewalk. And 60-70 isn’t difficult at all.

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Why does it have to crush shadowlands? They’re two different games. Let people play what they want in peace, it’s not a competition


Not so. You can get attuned at your own pace, farm armaments (or eggs) all day for rep if you like, and so on.

There is NO time gating on any of that stuff.

The rumor is that SL did absolutely horrible sales. Nobody wants it.

#1 Get rid of bots

#2 Release TBC + WOTLK

RUMORS are that Blizz finished Internal Testing for TBC today and will announce soon. Not sure how true that is.

The rumor you just created right now?