Anniversary world PVP are you kidding?

LOL … Yup… Super original. PvP is now “griefing” … is it 2019 again guys?

You will face a constant threat from players of the opposing faction.

If you are not comfortable with a high level of conflict, we recommend you choose a Normal (non-PvP) realm.

What part of this WARNING THEY GAVE YOU… did you not understand?

Was it “constant threat from players” or “high level of conflict”

Shocking PvP servers werent all that bad before the honor system came out… who could have imagined?!

When you and your friends started playing on a PvP server, you agreed to the fact that anyone capable of attacking you in that PvP world could and would do so.

This is a PvP world.

Years go by, and nothing changes.

I’m sure the removal of PvP servers in WoW Classic isn’t far off, because even in the reboot, there are still people shedding an ocean of tears over being killed by other players in a PvP world.

Yes it is incredibly childish of me to read a warning, and critically think to myself “Yanno what, i dont think i would like this, perhaps i do go to a normal realm”

Yes thats what children too. Read things carefully and decide on the right choice.

Thats why we elect children to be CEOs of major corporations and lead military branches.

I hear the next 4 star general is a 7 year old. Great critical thinking skills.

They actually have this warning now on Era also. Just started a new character today and that was there.

I think its a nice addition

Just a heads up so you are not disappointed. BG’s are Thursday, not tomorrow. But the sentiment is the same.

This thing will extend for 2 weeks, fresh 60’s will keep it on going. Two weeks for players that play an average of 3/4h a day is more than enough to get from 50 to 60.
The timing of the honor system release, without bg’s, was again a big L for Blizzard.
I’m convinced that more than 70% of the players are still under lvl 55.

And for the one above saying that fresh pvp servers never were for “casuals”… Yikes!

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Oh yeah, thx

Went through most maps without running into gank groups.

What happened to the “hardcore” pvpers? Did they mysteriously decided to ditch their love for “pvp” once their honor capped out? So we’re back to lets mind our own business and pretend we didnt see the opposing fraction even though we rolled on a PVP server mode?

Just to sum up last week, PVP did not happen on a PVP server.

PVE carebears running in outnumbered groups ganking randoms and trying to justify their behavior happened.

Lets start the Real PVP this week and gank those with honor ranks running around maps. Let see how fair 1 vs 1.

Lets expose the PVE carebears frauds.

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Why did you roll on a pvp server when you hate pvp?

Feast or famine out there.

Feel kinda bad for all the sub 60 warriors out there without their pocket healer. The easiest kill

No, that’s PVP.
IT’s a PVP server.

This is a problem with players treating the other faction like mobs.
They either don’t care or they think it’s funny that people quit playing when they play like this.

This happened in Classic 2019 too.
Losers farming people purely for HPH without any sense of fun or fair play about it.
It’s not even a “It’s a PVP server lololol” because next week these losers will be in the BGs instead.

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Yeah it is


No it isn’t.
They weren’t PVPing before the Honor system dropped.
The PVP is incidental.
If they got honor for looting Gorillas they’d be doing that instead.

They’re PVP tourists and they drive people away from servers with their toxic behaviour.


This week has been the most fun i’ve had in wow in a very long time. I wish it lasted for even longer.

never the less pvp realms are subject to pvp for any reason or no reason.


I understood it perfectly as i have said on repeat because you like to cherry pick things. Thia argument is just a waste of time lets just move on

Why do you play on a pvp server?

Fair 1v1 is a myth. Here is a fair 1v1 for you. As a priest, I was fighting some quest mobs, pulled an extra one when I was already low on mana. Was oom, potion on cd and wanding the last one down. Warrior rolls up, kills me and starts doing the sit/stand macro. So glad we had a fair 1v1 might as well have been 5v1, or whatever advantage the aggressor would need to press the situation. That is how it goes down almost every time. One person is doing something, someone rolls up and kills them when they are at extreme advantage. Be it numbers, class, gear, skill, agro, cooldowns whatever.

The fun is in wpvp is revenge. Always has been imo.

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The real stupidity is the fact BGs and honor system were not opened from the beginning of the game. It was delayed in the original release because it wasnt finished. There is no reason to replicate this release schedule for the sake of “authenticity”

Not only should PvP and BGs be released from the beginning, but if they ever make a proper Classic+ they need to change honor to a currency like in TBC and released PvP sets for ALL level brackets that is purchasable with honor.

60 (with more 60 sets released each raid tier)

I’ve put more time into this game than most people and this is a total no brainer for anyone who knows the game.


Ding ding ding. We found the dumbest take yet.

This guy thinks it’s completely ok to be rank 10 before you even hit 60, so the second you do you buy bwl level gear and skip 90% of the gearing process.

Nobody needs LHH anymore, or valor shoulders, or SGC grind, or devilsaur buyers, or scholo for boots.

Nope. We all in full pvp gear before we even hit 60 and in AQ gear two weeks into MC.

Yup nothing could ruin the game any harder


Pre bis is the best part of the game and you suggested completely ruining it to sit in AV from level 51 on and skip the entire gearing process.

Brilliantly stupid