Wow, lol. You’re making assumptions about me as a person based on one post? I rolled on a pvp server to wpvp. I like wpvp. Blizzard destroyed wpvp in 2019 Classic by not handling faction balance in any sort of logical or intelligent fashion. Now that we have fresh pvp servers we’re super happy because we should be able to wpvp again. In reality layering makes it almost impossible to kill Thrall or King Varian. We can pvp out in the world again at least. Stop crying about pvp on a pvp server. Many of us came here with the intention of destroying entire zones.
Remember these forums arnt really a place for degnified or intelligent conversation.
In an MMO?
This is unheard of
Not as big of an oof as you defending griefing to the point where people literally cant even play the game, probably for hours or more at a time like i said several times in several posts i get world pvp is a thing but this is a whole new level.
The current week is something the game has never experienced before, correct. Previous iterations of this grace period, between the honor system release and BGs being released later, just involved people going back and forth quarantined in Hillsbrad raids.
But today everything is min/max meta and nobody wants to group (more than 5) with anybody because it’s not efficient honor gains in world PvP. The best way to do it is tag first, and do a certain threshold of DPS more than anybody else who you’re not grouped with.
So now we’re seeing flight paths camped and just general unplayability for anybody that’s not able to defend themselves.
I expected this, but I know a lot of people didn’t when they signed up for regular PVP server craziness.
Alas, it’s within the realm of the warning so it is what it is. By tomorrow, everyone will be in WSG and AV. World PvP will be essentially dead outside of its normal goings-on.
Some don’t get how MMO’s work. they need us to pay 15 a month for years…
Your average SP game is getting maybe $100 with dlc/special editions.
And really only need steam stats for the first 6 months to a year to show people like their game.
SP games accept game fade hits. Even the 100% completers…leave in time. they got 100% complete lol, and done. Forever quite possibly.
They just need to look busy for 6 months before the deeper steam sales start up and they take in less money really.
Yes in a 20yo MMO, which is a niche of a niche genre, mainly played by 30+ yo.
And yes, phases and patch release dates/timings always were a thing in MMO genre and can make a lot of difference.
Catering those timings around no lifers, is not a smart idea, when a great % of your playerbase has a life. But, no, blizzard keeps pushing this rushing play style on classic, while wondering about the abnormal loss of players, even for a MMO, right after the first patches hit.
They don’t get points for that. Honorless target.
The thing you’re missing about the game is that it’s not designed for everybody to get BiS. That’s the spirit many want captured for classic.
One of its greatest spices was watching no lifers walk around in godly gear.
Every other game is made to be a theme park ride to the same cookie cutter gear. That’s just not this though. Nor should it be.
The BG spam comes in time.
This was jsut an week or so of honor turned on no BG’s.
AV won’t be lost to people not in BIS. AV is usually lost to 30 people going to noob hill. than said 30 ranting on why their team sucks and can’t burn IBT.
Answer…the 5 on ibt who didn’t rush noob hill died on back caps. And now tp is falling.
The thing you missing is that it isn’t about gear, but about gameplay. People hitting lvl 50 right now don’t have a lot of time to play and can’t just enjoy the game, because the meta is camping fly points, or just roaming around in group killing lowbies, (top knotch wpvp lol).
And the player base affected, 48-59, if not the majority, is a very substantial number. All because the release timings are being catered to rushers/no lifers, which probably will end, again, playing “alone”, on late phases.
Well I agree with you about the disasterous condition of world PVP right now, but it is just a week. By tomorrow it will be back to normal --outside of a few people who may have become addicted to camping flight paths during this previous week.
They should never release a classic server again with this grace period anymore. The honor system and battlegrounds should be available day one. I would posit that most people’s vanilla experience was rolling on one of the new servers in 2005-2006 where BGs were already implemented on day one. It’s perfectly okay to do things that way for classic.
That aside, the game wasn’t designed for everybody to have BIS. And there are benefits to that; benefits lot of people are unwilling to relinquish.
Ah but their pea sized brain gets that dopamine hit. They know it’s not worth honor and that’s not why they’re doing it. They’re likely doing it because… Well, I don’t have a degree in psychology so I’ll just leave this one to the therapist. Blizzard makes 15/month because it’s cheaper than whatever a therapist cost. lol
Fresh servers were never for casuals, especially PvP servers, and while it will get a bit better when the BGs are released. This really isn’t anything new, there is always lots of griefing in the first few phases of the game especially once honor comes out.
Also if you think its bad now, wait till the real gear comes out where your stuck fighting T3 and R14.
If you really want to be on a PvP server, but don’t like the actual griefing that comes with it, find a group and dungeon spam. There are always options.
You belong outside talking to real people and not using internet tough guy speak. You sound absurd.
That’s the truth
5years later, i’m too old for this… unfortunately(or not)
PvP on a PvP server. whatever. But if you’re one of those FP campers for 12 hours a day to get rank 3, go out and get a life.
Bunch of no lifers in tier 1 zerging a bunch of straggling level 50s landing at the fp, touch grass.
At the rate you’re playing you wouldn’t have made 48 to 60 in the 4.5 days that this little event in lasts
Why are you complaining about world PvP when there’s be a squad of 25 horde camping Burning Steppes flight path and keeping quest givers dead for about 3 days straight now… I guess to Hell with everyone’s attunements. World PvP is fine but when quest givers are being kept dead for days at a time that is actual griefing. Getting ganked by 2 rogues while you’re questing is fine and part of it. This crap is just frustrating, I dont think literally blocking game progression is PvP. I’m at the point of just playing something else with my free time as well.
I agree. I have my cap on honor this week, and it was not fun doing it.
it has also made many things impossible to do this week.
Farming for herbs and mining is cut from the to do list of many people, and thus the price of black lotus is now nearing 100g.
tanaris has been completely taken over, scumbags are camping boats making travel near impossible, and good luck levelling.