Anniversary Realms Battleground -- Updated Jan. 17

No I don’t think it has any impact on the game.

The president to exploit early and exploit often has been in the game for 10 years

Naw, there are so many more scammers and cheats out there now than in 2019. More scummy players = game suffers. It’s an mmo after all.


Which is why the game hasn’t changed at all.

This event doesn’t change the game at all

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I get that you are just one of those forum troll personas so I’m going to stop arguing with you after this.

Key word is more.


I will take this as you conceding

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Yes they were. Exactly. That and because players are so elitist nowadays that they were logging off, including myself for a week in order to use their buffs in a raid. That is what I’m saying. This was a change that we forced a blizzard’s hand on not one that we wanted based on a quality of life. People don’t understand that.

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Are the BGs open for you US? We EU are still waiting

yes, have been for ~7 hours

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damn we EU have to wait 3-4 more hours from now… it would be 4am saturday…

Many of us didn’t know we were buying scam items on the AH from people making tons of money. So the people who didn’t know are out lots of gold, and the scammers who knew what they were selling get to keep the money.

Also, they haven’t even bothered to RFG the scam boon, so scammers are STILL making money selling them.

It’s already bad enough that the market is crazy inflated from the influx of unhindered gold selling, and now this. Nothing about this is classic, so you may as well remove the exorbitant gold cost of the boons so that we’re not forced to pay 10g to play our character. And FFS is there going to be anything done about gold sellers?


those sod boons still filling the auction, even though they have tag name “season of discovery” i still think some people will buy them without noticing.

i hope blizzard just removes them from 20anniversary servers.

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I don’t understand how people didn’t know.

If I saw 1 Chronoboon on the AH listed under the vendor price, I could see thinking “sweet, good deal for me”.

But if I saw lots of them listed for under what I could buy them for at the vendor I’m starting to think “something smells fishy here. What is happening.”


or “oh they must have changed vendor price”

Yeah same as if someone rob your house tonight, apart from the fact they will probably only find a pair of rotten underwear n an egg, there is no value generated, it just changed hands.

Moral conclusions, robbery n theft are okay things.

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Difference is when I call the police it isn’t automated lmfao.

They may of taken my good underwear, I only have 1 pair.

Is removing them really that hard? DMF cards still on the AH too GG

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blizzard doesn’t care. If they really cared they would do a fire chat :rofl:

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Following up on hotfixes that are now live:

  • The Season of Discovery variant of the Chronoboon Displacer is no longer usable on non-SoD realms.
  • The Era Chronoboon on Classic Era/Anniversary realms now costs 1 gold and sells for 2.5 silver.
  • On Classic Era/Anniversary realms, the SoD variant of the Chronoboon can now be exchanged by Chromie for the Era version of the Chronoboon, one for one, with no additional gold cost.

Please note that you must have the SoD variant of the Chronoboon Displacer in your inventory and you must also have completed the quest “Counting Out Time” to be able to exchange the item at Chromie on a Classic Era/Anniversary realm.


Where is Chromie at?

Also, 1g for Chronoboon on Anniversary Realms?

Not bad.

Nice so a long term net positive at the end of the day for anniversary realms.