Anniversary Realms Battleground -- Updated Jan. 17

Thanks for the update and thats a cool adjustment for boons.

We appreciate it.

Thank you very much for this change. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

P.S I would have liked Dual Spec for Era but don’t let Eyr read this.

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So instead of making them useless like you said, you let people who bought for 18s 1:1 trade them for 1g boons ?


Hey at least they did…something.

I give them credit for that at least.


Thank you!!!

So everyone that exploited is going to get rewarded? lmfao nah make the chronoboons 20s again or w/e they were in AV

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now add Behsten & Slahtz

Pretty much :melting_face:

Guess the rest of us who did not exploit get rolled…


Now bring back paid transfers.

I’m sorry but what in the actual hell is this? On hardcore Doomhowl just spent literally all my 200 gold bringing 20 boons to the auction house in order to help those that can’t even get them themselves (I’m only level 42 and paid someone in game gold to do this for me). Was this announced? It seems to be completely out of nowhere!


It’s ok I made enough gold for all of us.

Thanks b UwU :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Why in the world would you allow the boons you bricked earlier today to just NOW be exchanged for useful boons? did you really think the biggest gameplay impact was the 5 minute boon?

allowing the exploiters that over invested a cheap way out, and a guaranteed profit of 4-5x what they spent is ludicrous

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the exploiters sold it for 3-5g on the ah when they first bought it lol…

they did both, plenty were caught holding the bag and were bailed out for no reason

The Era Chronoboon on Classic Era/Anniversary realms now costs 1 gold and sells for 2.5 silver.

It only took this mistake to make a W change.


hahaha absolute laziest way to fix the problem.

(spoken in Wyatt Cheng voice) Do you guys not have any decent server admins that can make SQL queries or SQL patch scripts?

hahaha incompetence exemplified.

wow… 3days ago i bought around 15 boon from Chromie the NPC for 150g, blizzard you are a scum.