Anniversary - Please bring GDKP back

I don’t think they realize that with all 40 people consuming one Naxx raid can cost anywhere from 16,000 gold to 23,000 gold

no this is not true. Thats 4,000 gold per player per week. Nobody in naxx is spending 4000 a week.


Yeah, but it was a similar amount of gold being bought with GDKPs, just it was a smaller group of people buying more of it. That is until the GDKPs have had so much gold flowing around in them make it so that gold buying produces less than running 1 GDKP. Basically, once the economy has been absolutely trashed after years of abuse then RMT suffers.

Yeah a full consumed warrior, depending on economy, can be like 200-1000 gold per hour to raid with.

Oh I realize it, I just don’t recognize it as an absolute necessity to clear the raid.


Lmao even

:dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:

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even if true, isn’t that preferable? :expressionless:

If you want bosses to die in naxx, consumes are necessary.

Maybe with full bis raid you can avoid some, but even on Era with half raid full bis and people very experienced we consume and world buff and it is very very hard without, often impossible even if people play perfect.

No that’s 400 gold per player x 40.

Per raid

And that’s on the low end most likely people are already spending that in molten core

In the end most if it is the same gold ending up in the same places, just with extra steps.

Let’s phrase it in more objective terms. How much of a DPS increase do you think full min/max consumables give for say a warrior vs something like just mongoose/firewater/giants? Resist pots can get pricey I can see that but idk never viewed those as absolutely essential.

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Yeah, no. Nothing beyond major manas can even be CONSIDERED mandatory.

The tightest DPS check in the game - Patchwerk - requires 230ish average raid wide DPS to kill before he enrages. Feel free to go check that math real quick. Every other fight is so mechanics centric that if you do the mechanics right its a guaranteed oneshot.


enjoy wiping without consumes

Your flaskless melee are going to drop like flies, have no world buffs.

And after 5 hours you guys will kill not even half the bosses.

All the good players will leave your guild and you will collapse until TBC.

that’s what happens to all the ‘consuems aren’t needed’ players. They get crushed up and pushed out by end on vanilla because they just aren’t useful to raids.

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Which is fried btw

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Not a single mechanic in Naxx is hard. Every single DPS death isnt just preventable, its 100% avoidable ON THEIR PART.

Not one thing in Naxx requires the insane minmaxing you maidenless parsenerds think it does. Patchwerk’s dps check threshold is something the average person clears before theyre even level 60 and as above, every mechanic in Naxx is such that if you do it right, you CANT die.


Show me naxx logs in which people didn’t consume much that are under 3 hours.

I bet you almost half the alliance logs in which naxx are under 3 hours you will find ALLIANCE melee with rend. Don’t be daft the vanilla naxx is harder than wotlk one and you are lvl 60 toon.

Raids are clearing Naxx with like 30 people in Era. These sweatlords are making it out to be way harder than it is.

This is true as hell.

So we just went from “LOL UR GUNNA WIPE” to “BUT ITLL TAKE FOREVER HAHA” in a single post.

Careful moving those goalposts all by yourself. They look heavy. Good luck in your future endeavors.


I don’t think you understand how naxx works.

If you don’t kill the bosses that require world buffs and wipe, your run is OVER.

You have to all go back to town and rebuff if you wanna try again.