All official sources I read said it would last through today. Not until today.
Today isn’t through, and yet I find the grounds are gone.
Are the vendors still somewhere so I can at least spend the tokens I have left?
Look at the in-game calendar. The event ended earlier today.
And the first two google results from the official website mention january 6th as the event end:
Regardless… if you’re talking about Bronze tokens, no, there is no vendor.
Most of the time events end with the daily reset. Unfortunately, the tokens are useless now. 20th Anniversary Event Ending Soon
The only official source is Blizzard, and the in-game calendar says it ends at 8 a.m. (Pacific time) today.
Nope. They are gone.
Just to post it, to hopefully it’d be helpful, when the end date give a day, it’d be for that reset, not a 24 thing where it’d end at somewhere midnight. There isn’t a time end date on the page stating the event as Trancezero posted.
Huh. That’s… not what I read when it started. Possibly my mistake. Or possibly the app has it worded differently.
Tokens not being reused? Well, crud. I would’ve expected at least at the 5 years point they would be.
Thanks all.
You could check again in 5 years but its likely they will just introduce a new shiny anniversary coin by then and other activities.
It was just posted:
Darn. I was hoping to keep my remaining 42 tokens as a giggle, though I fully expected something like this to occur.
Keeping extraneous currencies around for no reason is just unreasonable database load.
I saw on wowhead earlier that when the next patch hits the bronze tokens will automatically convert to timewalking badges.
See below lol.
They are going to auto convert eventually!