"Animal Companion" Talent and on going bugs

In dungeons or pvp, most of the time the second pet won’t attack anything (dps loss yay!)

Other times the pet won’t show up at all…

Or the pet will just stand back in the start/spawn area…

Even more fun, dismiss main pet and second pet stays…

But cool part of the bug, by dismiss and summon over and over you can end up with 3+ pets following you around, but again only 1 attacking, just looks cool with a herd behind you…

Are the issues with this talent going to be addressed soon? As it does effect game play pretty badly.

…side note, with the dire beast azerite power, when it triggers anytime with animal companion, you end up with a completely random bugged out pets.

Honestly i have been checking report after report of peoples experience with this talent and it is CLEARLY broken. I cannot even get my second pet to appear let alone attack. This is a pretty big deal is it not? It’s completely broken. Why is there no blue post on it? How as an industry leader do you allow this to go unfixed and more importantly without communication for sooo long? Outrageous if you ask me, a simple response would go a loong way.

I have no clue why there isn’t anything posted by a blue yet on this… I mean it is a big freaking problem.

Wonder if it is related in some fashion to the current “dismissed pet reappears” bug. It seems that for the past week or so pets keep reappearing after being dismissed.

Here is a thread on that problem (it doesn’t seem to be restricted to hunters either). Here

Nah, this has been going on since BFA started. Almost feel like abandoning Beastmaster spec because of this… then again I’d have to give up my awesome exotic pets, and sweet matching mount+dual pets+companion pet mogs/setup