Anima Rewards Increased

This makes it seem as if it’s character specific, not account wide? Meaning alts don’t get any bonuses even if one character has all of the achievements, until they upgrade their sanctum features too?


Lol. Why should I the player have to compromise any of my anima just to get a new system to work properly. I have grinded 20k anima on this toon but hey pop off about how its fine that players like me are left behind in this system.


didnt know you speak for the entire community

Ya, it’s actually sad.


I hope that’s Account-wide.


No alts at all currently. Each character has to upgrade their own sanctum.

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It is not. Per character basis.

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Oh and by the way we just buffed like two legendaries that completely change what covenant you should be in for optimal performance.


even at bare minimum you are looking at 4 weeks of raid clears to benefit from the buff for the rest of the expansion
boo hoo i have to play the game
there. is. no. negative.

That’s stupid.

Just increase the anima drops across the board.


I have a fully upgraded sanctum, but only got achievement for Tier 3 and Tier 1. Tier 2, Denying the Drought, is still uncompleted.

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Does this mean I have to first waste Anima on tiers of things I don’t ever want and have no intention of ever using? I only want, and will only ever use, the Travel Network and Conservatory.


different teams for different part of the game
how hard is this to understand

In fairness… it’s still too early in the expansion to expect blizzard to “support alts.” I’m not saying that’s good, I’m acknowledging years-long trends.

Ah cool.
You’ve demonstrated your lack of understanding of a developmental model of a game like world of warcraft. They’ll go out of their way to draft ideas for achievements, create them, program them into the game, and then rework them into the current system. The entire ordeal using developmental time and resources. Mind you not the art’s team or the legal’s team resources, but the development’s and the programming’s teams and their resources.

Vocal minority cries out about anima numbers, but money is leaving their pockets and more and more people leave their product and company because of their unprofessionalism. There is no excuse

Do better Blizzard.


I’m not only one crying out in dissent.


Is it though?

Because doing the thing grants an achievement. The achievement grants you upgraded rewards. And Achievements are account-wide.

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Yeah I’m not sure if I agree, seeing as you can upgrade your full Covenant set to 197 with Anima, and get 194 trinkets/weapons from the mission table + anima conductor rares/treasures.


Except everything he just said were things the player base told Blizz to do in Beta, and they ignored the player base. The player base still hates those systems and still wants them changed.


Not all of them. That’s not a default setting.