Anima Rewards Increased

wow community: upgrades their alts armor to 197
also wow community: not willing to put anima into parts of their sanctum blizzard worked hard on

lol wow twice you guy’s have tried to fix the anima gains, or rather the lack there of, and twice you’ve failed to even approach a reasonable fix, this is actually getting to be as sad as it is comical.


This should’ve also applied to epic anima rewards too IMO.


People… This is what WoW addiction does to you.


While this is a welcome change, it does seem like it might need a bit more polish.

I have rank 3 on all sanctum features. Logged in, saw toasts for We Can Rebuild and Sanctum Superior. Didn’t see one for Denying the Drought, but chain achievements don’t always toast all pieces. I have both We Can Rebuild and Sanctum Superior showing in the UI, which is unusual for chain achievements. Additionally, Tithe and Taxes offers only 3 anima items for me, and Bet on Yourself offers 5 (normally 3), which would seem to indicate I’m only currently getting credit for rank 2.

Different sense of achievements, I have the blood guard title from vanilla on my account but only my main can use it.

I don’t think anyone is questioning that. The problem is things like cosmetics and mounts have become more important than end game content. The fact there isn’t a conquest/honor catchup system in place yet is astounding considering the player base has been asking for it for months, and it existed in BfA. The frustration comes from what is prioritized and what isn’t.


I’m getting so tired of these halfased, non-changes. THE GAME ISN’T FUN, ANIMA ISN’T FUN, THE ENTIRETY OF SHADOWLANDS ISN’T FUN.


Still not worth it…35 anima for world quests AFTER you upgrade all 4 buildings? Is this at least account wide? Like just do this achievement on 1 character and gain the benefits on EVERY character on the account?


So I have to spend many, many hours grinding out anima to upgrade the mission table and other aspects of the covenant that I have no interest in? Thank you for the thought but I’ll pass.



Blizzard I logged into my main and I love what I see.

But on my alt- so depressing! I only want to level up my alt’s covenant feature, so he has no upgrades! Please Blizzard- make these achievements account wide. Do that and its perfect.


To increase anima drops, you need to invest insane levels of anima in to a number of sinks, many of which you wouldn’t necessarily want to invest in, per character. To then have slightly more earned anima to spend on … I guess the only thing left would be the insanely over priced cosmetics.

I think you’ve missed the mark on this one … by like … a lot. The simplest thing to have done would have been reduce the anima costs across the board … but hey … Feel free to spend time implementing another system on a system for systems sake.


one step foward five steps backward


Dude they planned this from the beginning. That is why instead of being rewarded 140 raw anima you are awarded these stackable items. Stop parroting everything youtuber’s say.

It can never be a simple fix, can it? Could have just increased anima gains across the board but instead they decide all of these unnecessary steps that would also include players wasting anima on sanctum upgrades they might not even want.


nope 35extra anima ain’t enough to get me to do those boring-a** world quests…I’ll still just use my adventure table and do the 1000anima for the weekly

(Edit opps wasn’t meant to be a reply!)


Here’s a suggestion:

When you unlock ALL Covenant Sanctum upgrades you get an extra Epic (250) token.


I’m not parroting anything. This is a complicated solution to a simple problem. Anima costs are too high … the fix, reduce them.


Am I the only person here who sees the absurdity behind this?

It takes 63,100 anima to get the ability to get 3 extra anima tokens per world quest…


Just tested. its toon based not account based.