News Team Assemble is recruiting for our late-night raid, we are actively looking for all roles.
Castle Nathria: 10/10H
Sanctum of Domination: 10/10N 4/10H
About Us:
NTA founded from a Wrath-Mists raid core that reformed during BFA. We are a Heroic raiding guild that secures AotC each tier. Our core is made of former high progression raiders who are focused and motivated, but generally are no longer interested in Mythic raiding and want efficient normal/heroic progression along with pushing high keys. We are a community based guild and are just simply looking for more chill & motivated people to play WoW, along with other games. When new raids launch we expect players to learn/know fights quickly and perform their role. We are looking for players that share these ideals.
Raid schedule:
Tues/Thurs/ Server/CST 9:30pm-1am
Sat(Optional) Server/CST 10:00pm-1am
Tuesday and Thursday, we expect high attendance while Saturday will be purely a optional progression/farm/alt night depending of the groups motivations.
Recruitment Info:
The 9.0 content drought impacted our numbers are we are expecting to go into the new tier with 10-11 raiders currently. We want to double those numbers if possible and are actively recruit for all roles.
Requirements and Expectations:
Ability to make scheduled raids and give proper notice of any absences
Good attitude towards raiding and progression
Being prepared with Food/Pots/Flasks
Being prepared and knowing your role, your class expectations, and the raid encounters
Players are expected to do the minimal research and sims to understand their current stat priority, optimal trinkets, azurite traits, and talents
Discord capable - This means a functioning mic and the ability to listen
Contact Us:
Bnet: Maple#11280, PaleAleAlex#1427
Discord: Morgan#9507, PaleAleAlex#6178
You can also reach out to DKname, Msbsod, Manàthorn, and Solthorn in-game.