Anduin's MANHOOD

Oh it’s popcorn time now, y’all.

There’s more to existence than predator/prey.


I may or may not have broken the handle of a brush on the sink in my teen years. :smirk:


And again, peace is a luxury that is granted through strength. Compassion, is a manifestation of power. Blind compassion will eventually bring down the whole tribe.

It’s easy to use rhetoric when surrounded by defenses that dwarf your opponents.

I was there 3,000 years ago worried that my Fila shoes got dirty. Worried I didn’t have enough hair gel. And that everyone needed to know I smelled like Calvin Klein One cologne

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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That seems to be it, more or less. It seems to me that domination magic doesn’t work like mind control / hypnosis in other franchises, in which either you have no memories or you’re trapped inside your body, unable to control it. In this world, it seems you’re not only controlled, but made to feel like it’s your own will making the decisions.
We’ve seen how dominated people keep their personalities, but in a twisted version (to some extent, we can say the same about Forsaken). So they’re not just a remotely controlled body. Their own mind transforms, but it’s still their own mind.
At least that’s what I take from this.


Sure, but you’re boiling down the bedrock beneath the storytelling elements that forge those rulers into something far more draconian at its base than is true a good (both in the narrative quality and more alignment
sense) character.

Anduin has always had a darker element to him. As much as I hate referencing novels, we see him making use of it in Shadows Rising when he uses shadow magic after a lapse in emotional control.

Being dominated by Captain Nipplepants brought all of that to the surface and forced him to do his bidding, but he enjoyed it to some degree, which has officially effed up his mind.

They’ve gone through several hoops by this point to negate any sense of “you were just dominated, it’s not a reflection of ACTUAL you” by insisting that the dominated, evil Andy actually DID reflect a portion of his inner self, which is what has him as messed up as he is right now.

A large amount of WoW’s storytelling boils down to chaos/void vs order/light and Anduin, especially after the domination session, is a walking personification of that exact struggle.


Waking up early on a Saturday morning to complain about a fiction video game character showing emotions is not manly.


I never did the penny loafers, but I used way too much of this stuff back then.


The op didn’t suggest anything about being a man but leadership traits.

Those in leadership roles, especially in combat, necessitate a degree of stoicism for effective guidance and decision-making. It becomes impossible to follow someone in combat if there’s a concern that they might falter in the midst of battle due to the loss of a comrade resulting from a decision made. Leaders press on and evaluate afterwards to ensure that the same failures are not repeated.



That’s Thrall’s job.

I think you meant Anduin’s Manduinhood.

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Was Anduin in combat?

I think having actual human emotions makes him more qualified to be a leader


First of all, BUDDY, Frog was a freaking amazing character in Chrono Trigger and he IS my damn King. Watch yourself, peasant.

Secondly, it’s a pretty common hero trope to have golden boys grow despondent and go through dark times to add depth to the character.

It’s not realistic for one character to stay the same throughout 20 years of development. If Anduin wants to be the golden boy he always wanted to be, he has to EARN it.

Unlike Arthas, who just tried to take it.

Blizzard could totally drop the ball with this, and they often do. But I wouldn’t condemn it based on a less than 5 minute cinematic.


i hope he gets developed bc im sick of him crying all the time i get being in tuned with your feelings but he has cried every expansion n does nothing. he was doing more controlled than he ever did in the entire time of the game lol

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"Hard times create strong men , strong men create good times, good times create weak men , and weak men create hard times.”

Replace the word “Men” with “stories” and you have your answer. We are being slammed with so many weak stories because we have weak people writing them.

Find some of the best stories being told in the last 30 years and you find an author that has seen some…stuff in their lives.

This is also why we cannot even get a decent story of a woman and end up with a Mary Sue. Its like, why can I find amazing stories with female leads in the 1970s and 80s and next to none today?!? There are almost no more Ripley’s and too many Rey’s.


I dunno man. I feel like I can list off quite a few good female leads in stories.

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It’s not a subjective opinion though. It’s science. This is how our brains work, and unless you are malfunctioning with a psychopathic personality dissorder due to low or no neuro activity in the regions of the brain responcible for empathy, the stress of employing violence will wire your neuropathways in such a manner that your parasympathetic nervous system no longer works properly.

This is a very black and white way of looking at things. Life is not that simple, my friend.

This has nothing to do with whether someone like Anduin would or should have feelings. Feelings exist parallel to such experiances. Preserving that peace with “strength” will take a toll on you. It’s just how it works. :upside_down_face:


Please do and make it a LONG list because I said “next to none”.

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