Anduin's cutscene SPOILER

I never said that. All I said was he was both a leader in both organizations.

While it wasn’t for pro-horde reasons, IIRC, he gave his stamp of approval on joining the Horde, so I think it’s fair to say he was a Horde leader. (which would go a long way to explaining why he got hit by the villain bat the hardest in TBC lol)



Rokhan voted with Talanji.

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I sincerely hope you see how ironic this remark comes taking into account the avatar you used to make that post.


So what’s wrong with the Abyss agreeing with the path that kills it? For the Abyss, all paths are true.
I should use the word “Void” instead of “Abyss”, right?

Well, conceptually in the current iteration of the lore Light and Shadow

Although contradictory by their very nature, they are bound together on a cosmic scale. One cannot exist without the other.

Š Chronicles vol. 1

gl hf

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The toon I choose to post with is irrelevant.

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Well, they are “bound” as much as pure acid and pure hydroxide are (ergo they bind… and simultaneously destroy to make something else).

They are two different sides from one same coin -like acids and hydroxides-. Related to the same and having almost the same effects on organic tissue, but for the love of God don´t try to mix them unless you want to witness something “fun” going on.

Still ironic as per canon lore… you know, the stuff we discuss in this place.

Rokhan is trash. I hope he dies.

What the hell? Rokhan is the Shadow Hunter and he’s the only real killer we have left right now that the writers care to even passively include. Kill Rokhan, and you get Zappy without Rokhan teaching him how not to be a dork. Is that what you want?


Considering Zappy is supposed to be horrifically disfigured and screwed up, at least we’d get a leader with a unique model.

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Ereviens sole goal is to make the horde as horrible as possible. It’s a rather odd obsession of his really. :wolf:


He’s the embodiment of poe’s law for me.

Is he a rambunctious pro-horde poster with bad takes?

Is he someone who wants to paint all Horde posters as wanting to be the worst?

I don’t know. I don’t care, I just know I don’t like his takes.

I want Vol’jin. Or Jindo. Whoever is avaiable. Rokhan got worfed by Telaamon. I don’t want a leader for the Trolls who gets defeated by a B-Tier character.

My ideas can save the Horde from being an alliance vassal state. But first the Horde council needs to go away.

Your ideas do nothing but make the horde worse and turn it into nothing but a glorified fascist state. Ironic given what I been told about your IRL views :wolf: