Anduin's cutscene SPOILER

He is trash. Like the entire rest of the Horde council. They need to be replaced with people who want to see the alliance dead.

I’m fairly certain as of Shadows Rising Roh’Khan was one of the council members that supported Talanji in wanting to go after Jaina.

Whether that is because he agrees or because he wants to impress her remains to be seen.



He didn’t. He was present with the rest of the council when they signed the armistice. He is a lost cause. The entire Horde council needs to be overthrown and replaced with people who don’t want the peace.

Horde rebellion 2.0 here we come.

Bro, we’ve already had 2 Horde rebellions…



We need another one to get rid of the incompetence.

Maybe if you didn’t settle in their lands you weird RPer

He wasnt Horde then and even if he was considering the Alliace have void elves he would have been their king just as much as the blood elves.

They say third times the charms.

Actually that is false
Kaelthas was INDIRECTLY considered Horde because he suggested to Rommath that there were mag’har which were an important bargaining ship in the Horde/Blood elf relationship.

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Lets says that is the case. Kael was still an Alliance member who left the Alliance and later the Horde. By that metric both factions still have claim to him being a former member/considered a leader.

That is completely false.

Kael was NOT an alliance member when he was on outlands.

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He was a member from Warcraft 1-beginning of Frozen Throne. No longer being in Outland does not negate that fact.

Pretty sure he left the alliance behind in lordaeron.

Unless of course you are implying that he was a secret agent of the alliance


He didn’t leave. As a member of Dalaran he was one of the few elves that did remain with the Alliance. And then after Arthas demolished Dalaran and he left, he returned and rejoined the Alliance(albeit temporarily) under Garithos.

No he was in outland. and served the illidari during wc3 tft.


What the heck are you even talking about?

Though King Anasterian had removed Quel’Thalas from the Alliance prior to the undead onslaught, Kael rejoined what was known as the “remnants of the Alliance” battling the Scourge in Lordaeron. Though this alliance was Kael’s best bet for vengeance upon the Scourge, he came under the bigoted scrutiny of its prejudiced leader, Grand Marshal Garithos, who had long despised the elves

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I could ask you the same thing.

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Kael was a member of the Alliance. That is an undeniable fact. You seem to be mis remembering the events that played out in Warcraft.

Of course up until he was imprisoned, Yet you seem to argue that he was a member up until he escaped to outlands.

He left when he went for Outland. Made Lor’themar a regent in TBC. At this point the blood elves were Horde. Which makes kael a horde character. Stop twisting the narrative. He is not alliance.

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And we all know how Kael’s fate ends. He leaves behind both the Horde/blood elves and joins the Legion. So again he WAS an Alliance leader and WAS a Horde leader(debatable to be honest because I dont recall him ever interaction/officially joining the Horde and he was supposedly loyal to Illidan before he switch to the Legion).