Anduin's cutscene SPOILER

From what I understand, understaffing + covid means large delays.

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This pretty directly implies that Anduin has some level of autonomy which goes very, very much against every appearance of him in 9.1 since being dominated. Heā€™s being directly mind controlled.

Heā€™s not like having an emo phase and throwing out his stupid dad who doesnā€™t understand the pain heā€™s going throughā€™s compass. The modes seem to be mind controlled and not. Not some weird evil version who has sentience but is justā€¦choosing to be evil for some reason.

Again whatever, kill Anduin off at this point, heā€™s so awful like everything else about this overarching story. But as usual I think people are reading way too much into what seems like a super obvious story.

We already know Jaina can use her rubberbanding god powers to see the memories of someone (She does this in BfA), so it seems like its just her recalling a memory from right before get gets dominated. Perhaps Anduin ends up dropping it while we fight in on Korthia or something and thatā€™s what happens.


We see that heā€™s aware of his actions in the attack on Bastion, but unable to do anything about it. He is a prisoner in his own body and experiencing something that has really only been experienced by a handful of other major characters in the lore, perhaps most prominently (and ironically) by Sylvanas herself.


Yes but do you not see how thatā€™s different from Anduin, of his own free will, throwing away the compass because heā€™s a emo boi now? Why would the Jailer care if Anduin had the compass on his person still while heā€™s directly controlling him?

Anduin is aware of his actions but he cannot control them. Heā€™s not like some suddenly weird amoral dude who has free will.


I donā€™t feel like I should have to explain how agonizing this must be. Acknowledging the compass, a keepsake of his family and a reminder of who he is, as the one splinter of resistance that he can muster only to have Zovaal easily reassert control and force him to discard it is loaded with emotional symbolism.


ā€¦this has nothing to do with anything Iā€™ve said.

My point is that he doesnā€™t need to consciously decide to discard the compass for the fact that he has been forced to do so (specifically, for what the act symbolizes) to be a milestone for his character that will heavily inform it going forward.

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Yes I truly cannot wait for a 10 year arc of Anduin being sad and agonized about the trauma inflicted on him.

Surely weā€™ve never had such a brave and unique story in Warcraft before.


I, too, hate character growth.

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I think the real question people want answered is whether it will be Jaina or Genn that deliver the unironic ā€œI know youā€™re still in thereā€ line at some point or another.


Thatā€™s definitely what I said you got me.

Iā€™m amazed people still defend Blizzardā€™s junior high-like mentality of character growth only being born from inflicting insane trauma on a person and then having them steal the spotlight of the franchise for 5 years while they deal with it.

As if thereā€™s no other way to actually develop a character.

How many characters have they done this EXACT storyline with? I can think of 10 immediately off the top of my head.

So forgive me if Iā€™m not jumping at joy to see them setting up Anduin now having 10 years of story about how sad he is that the Super Lich King made him Super Arthas to lead the Super Scourge to destroy the universe.


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s already happened like twice on the PTR. Hasnā€™t worked yet though so itā€™s going to take more than the power of friendship to free him (weā€™re going to have to beat him up, THEN use the power of friendship. I call it ā€œthe Kingdom Heartsā€)

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In WoW? Sylvanas, maybe Arthas although he wasnā€™t really dominated so much as robbed of his soul. Darion Mograine I suppose.

It doesnā€™t actually seem that common? There are plenty of fallen heroes but thatā€™s a story as old as stories themselves.

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The story of Blizzard inflicting insane trauma on someone to then make them sad and depressed for 10+ years?

Sorry its way more than that lol. Thatā€™s the primary way they do ā€œcharacter developmentā€ in this game.

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Honestly I just canā€™t take it very seriously.
The Jailer is so completely uncompelling so having a big thing about what he did to Anduin isnā€™t going to be the emotional hit its intended to be. Anduin has not been challenged as much as literally whisked away like a princess in a typical ā€œsave me heroā€ story, not be so OP with his Light powers that he cannot infinitely hold back Satan and his forces closing in, and now his corruption is just magic that was inflicted on his soul or something. I think Blizzard thought everyone would gasp at Arthas 2.0, but we got the bargain bin knock-off.


Generally most character arcs involve being challenged by some sort of adversity and reacting to it yes, either by overcoming it or succumbing to it.

I think that this community is a poor metric to judge Anduinā€™s popularity. The dude is really, really popular with people who arenā€™t brainpoisoned by forums. Especially among the ladies.

I also think itā€™s unfair to say ā€œoh, of COURSE they would do a mind-control edgelord story with Anduin, so predictable!ā€ when last expansion the refrain was ā€œOf course they will NEVER have anything bad happen to Anduin! Blizzard is always shielding him from adversity so he can stay pure!ā€


I actually kinda like him ever since I did the quests with him when leveling through Mists content.
I just donā€™t find what happened to him interesting whatsoever, a big part of it being how underwhelming the guy who did it to him is, whose appearances are just ā€œarrogant, evil all over him future raid bossā€ in the most generic sense.
And it isnā€™t helping that his fall from purity is something completely not his fault, not even just how he chose to process trauma, its being fundamentally messed with by domination magic. Nothing to possibly judge him for. Excuse for every bad action.

If it more closely mirrored what happened to Arthas, but he manages to start pulling himself back from the truly unforgivable stuff (the genocide of two kingdoms), it would have been something.


You are completely strawmanning the problem people have with Anduinā€™s storyline in Shadowlands.

Which is that in no way is he falling from grace or any of this stuff being done of his own volition.

Heā€™s not slowly going down a path and its one that he needs to self-reflect and grow from before itā€™s too late (Or it becomes too late like Arthas), itā€™s a storyline thrust upon him from a secondary character and he has no actual role in it whatsoever.

That same pureness is not going anywhere. Heā€™s literally just being mind controlled lol.

Itā€™s not interesting or deep or engaging when itā€™s just, ā€œTake the morally good guy and mind control him to do bad stuff.ā€ It completely robs the central participation of the audience in the story, which is judging for themselves whether or not actions the character do are morally justified for what happens.

Heā€™s not Arthas or Illidan or even Sylvanas for that matter. They had free will and chose to do morally ambiguous or evil things for their own agenda. Heā€™s just a puppet walking around doing things the Jailer wants.

And frankly, if they try to also spend 10 years making him feel bad for something he had no control in, considering Blizzard keeps saying that the Jailer is a Titan++ villain, that would be entirely asinine.

Anduin is not at fault for what happened to him. Not even slightly. You canā€™t even pretzel logic yourself into saying he is. Whether its stealing all the sigils or stabbing the Archon or helping the Jailer accomplish what Iā€™m sure is a super interesting goal that people will in no way find disappointing, he didnā€™t actively choose to do any of it.

He wasnā€™t even manipulated into doing it like Arthas was. Heā€™s literally just mind controlled. Its amazing that they somehow wanted to recreate the Lich King/Arthas dynamic and missed the primary thing that made so many people (Not me but others) like Arthas. Which was that he was doing evil things of his own volition.


I disagree. Iā€™m curious to see how the morally good guy reacts to the fact that he was forced to play a decisive role in the condemnation of thousands, if not millions, of innocent souls to an eternity of anguish and suffering in the Maw.

Imagine something taking control of you and forcing you to go on a shooting rampage that youā€™re completely aware of but helpless to stop. You might be a good person, and you might still be a good person after, but boy howdy this would change you.