Anduin's cutscene SPOILER

Speak for yourself. But I say good riddance to bad rubbish.


So is Andiun undead or is he alive?
Anyway good riddance.

If he is undead then I guess the Forsaken finally have their leader


from what it looks like, it looks like Us and the hero squad are just watching a vision/memory of Sylvanas and Anduin after we interact with the compass


Many would consider that to be cruel and unusual.


“Obviously this cutscene is totally finished and won’t change at all before launch, despite the cube texture, and somehow it’s meant to insult Night Elf players.”


He’s alive. Seems the whole gimmick with opening up the sky was so they could steal LIVING prospective hosts for the Jailor’s weapon. Not sure why, but it seems that was the point (and was part of Sylvie’s job).


This is clearly the moment that Sylvanas “makes a choice” we are basically seeing the aftermath of the final Anduin & Sylvanas cinematic. No one dies here, calm down Kat.

This is just the part where Anduin agrees with Sylvanas and leaves a recorded message explaining why he agrees with Sylvanas to the “Heroes of Azeroth” and Jaina projected through the compass with the power of friendship.


Yeah it’s probably some memory magic that sylvanas wrapped up into the compass anduin had on him

My expectations are on the floor

Actually no, my expectations are in the bottommost level of the underworld

and yet, and yet, I suspect I will still be disappointed

  • Sylvanas escapes at the end of the raid
  • This dialogue happens with a whitewashed Sylvanas telling us about how she’s good
  • Everyone eats that up and starts forgiving her, forgetting about all the innocent souls that were tortured and obliterated

Calling it.


I hope no revisions to this cinematic are made. Sylvanas and Anduin bond over BOX.


Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it did. Not because I’m making some kind of quality accusation against the developers, but because I’m about a week out from moving into full-on conspiracy mode as to what mysterious things are going on at Blizzard that’s holding up (literally anything about) this patch for so long

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Yes, it seams that Anduin and Sylvanas bodies comes with a Jailor to someplace. While their souls are telling us goodbye.
Of course in 9.2. we will kill Jailor and will save them.

Is it too late to retroactively side with Sargeras and save ourselves from this abysmal timeline?


Yeah and then they fade out and go to their home planet never to be seen again cope

So is this where Anduin gets like turned into a Death Knight or is he like dead?

I see some people saying that this was post-raid but is there any actual evidence of this?

It seems much more likely it’s the last moment before Anduin gets dominated and leaves a clue for whatever dumb macguffin they’re going to use to stop the Jailer and/or Sylvanas in the future.

Anduin’s goodbye being
literally his free will going away.


This is a good point. We’ve all been assuming that this is post-raid when it might not be.

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Also the idea that if Anduin is officially “undead” he will instantly become a Horde character is patently absurd and comical and yet considering the already established “undead Alliance characters go Horde no matter how stupid and insane it is” I’m actually a little bit worried.

Edit: Although I do appreciate the theoretical irony of a decade of Horde basing their land rights on whichever undead people they can pull into the faction that the end result might be that peace is finally achieved by way of the Alliance colonizing the Horde with their own dead.


Even the WoWhead article seems to imply this in-game cutscene happens after the raid but why would they randomly go back to Korthia after the raid if, by the time the raid concludes, we’ve already learned everything we need from it?

Why would Varian’s compass randomly be on Korthia if Anduin was dominated in Torghast which seems very much the implication after we last see him in 9.0 and before showing up in 9.1 already under the Jailer’s control.

I also see a lot of predictions that nearby is Sylvanas’ corpse? And we’re watching a memory but
what? None of that makes any sense. So we kill her in the raid (Which is never going to happen, just by the way), but then take her body to Korthia to
watch a memory of a cutscene of them with
Varian’s compass


Anybody expecting Anduin to be freed by the end of 9.1 is fooling themselves, though. Apparently even though Sylvanas’ role may be wrapped up, in whatever unsatisfying way that everybody will hate, Blizzard thinks we’ll give two sh*ts about mind controlled Anduin to carry the story for another 9 months before 9.2 comes out. I don’t even think people who like Anduin still care.

Either way its all laughably bad trash so woooo.


I would guess that the compass is a keepsake that Anduin keeps on him and he had with him in Torghast. After being enslaved by Sylanas/Zovaal he symbolically discards it and we find it on a rock where he did so, then we get this cutscene. Hence “Anduin’s Goodbye”

Personally I don’t know why everyone is rolling their eyes at all this, it’s very sad in my opinion and it seems like exactly the sort of character development that people who didn’t like boy scout Anduin would appreciate. This is an experience that will affect him deeply for the rest of his life.

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