Anduin with PTSD. What am I missing?

It took a soul to make the Arbiter. It’s part of a quest chain in ZM.

It’s simple. It doesn’t matter if you believe the trauma should have the impact it did. He is experiencing the trauma as something vile, and his mind can’t let it go. Trauma isn’t something logical it’s something personal.


He’s still a priest, the plate armor was due to royalty protection requirements (The monarch is nearly always the most heavily armored in a war)

Him holding a sword instead of a staff was a lore thing rather then a hard change of class thing.

And yes Paladins have their root in the Priest class but in this case, it’s just coincidence that he’s wielding a sword + armour like a pally rather then a priest in a robe.

It isn’t “understandably so”. The story of SL is directly responsible for him and his current state. It isn’t being pushed under the rug or anything.

And as for the “what sword”…seems that isn’t being ignored either on account the final shot of the cinematic has it front and center and the question of who was the target of it asked. Just because the sword hasn’t been front and center of every questline since it happened doesn’t mean that, narratively, it’s been done away with.

I’m not defending the quality of the lore/story…just going after bad arguments. I’ve detested Anduin as a character for a long time. He’s been the sinless saint for all too long. It’s good to see the writers and devs are capable of more than unga bunga 1 dimensional characters. Having Anduin have some complex emotions and the lore not just having him be a clone of Varian is a good thing.

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You’ve been mind controlled?

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No. Pelagos happened to replace the robot Arbitor, this time, as to give the inept simpleton something to do.

The robot Arbitor was used to replace the robot Jailer.

It’s never even hinted at that the other robots had souls and we even see the other automatons functioning just fine in the Sepulcher. Completely autonomous without souls.

We had to acquire a soul to make the arbiter before the ritual was disrupted by the dreadlords and the soul was destroyed. The First Ones had souls in storage. Pelagos didn’t replace the robot. He gave his soul to it.

Domination magic and living souls are clearly not a good mix.

Doesnt look like you need help, you already understand why you are confused because of a bad story.

What I wish would gain more recognition is Anduin just got a taste of what DKs have endured since their very creation. Canonically, most of us (at least the non bolvar created ones) were heroes in life forced into resurrection by the Lich King and forced into his service…and when we broke free, we were literally spit on and hated by our very people we gave our lives for. We’ve, canonically, taken on the burden of the dark knight…to do the unsavory and necessary things that sicken the moral sensibilities of the living. We continue to darken and damn our own souls so that the living can keep to the high road and moral path.

We’ll never be free of our undead curse either…at least not until our final and true death. Anduin got but a small taste of what non Bolvar DKs will always be. It would be fitting if Anduin has dialogue acknowledging that fact to DK players…how he doesn’t understand how we can stand and manage it…how strong we must be and how he’s gained a newfound and deep understanding and respect for us in particular…to carry an unfathomable burden he only got the tip of the iceberg experience with.


They are Jean Luc Picar in Seasons 2 and 3 of Picard

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well he did pull off this little number…

Just say you don’t like the story and be done with it lmao


Anduin was trapped in his own body while being controlled by one of the most evil entities in the universe for an unspecified amount of time. How would you feel if you were trapped inside of a flesh sarcophagus while watching yourself commit atrocities? It’s a bad vibe.


This is literally just scraping the surface and misses much of the actual underlying issues and that’s what you and your types are either not seeing/reading or ignoring altogether. It’s been explained many times above.

And people like the OP aren’t genuinely asking. It’s like bullies who constantly beat up and torment someone acting fake surprised when their victim finally has enough and goes after them “like OMG he just snapped and attacked me. WTF why did he attack me brah. I thought we were friends and all”


Yes. He ambushed the robot. I covered this in the OP.

he also betrayed the Light in the process… as a Paladin, you should understand.


He was violated.

Have you ever been violated in real life? The way it makes you feel is AWFUL. Being physically violated is bad enough. But I can’t imagine what it must be like to be mentally violated and have your agency taken away from you.

I think Anduin is completely justified in feeling the way he does.


Yes. Hypnotized so-to-speak.

would it be worse to be taken prisoner and made to fight in arenas for the entertainment of your captors?