Anduin missing cant get quest tides of war

Hello, I am trying to figure out what to do. I have read all over the place on wowhead for a solution but none have worked.

I need Anduin in Stormwind so I can do the quest tides of war, but there is no one in the throne room and hes not in the side rooms.

I am having this issue on the character I am posting from, any help would be appreicated.

Sounds like a phasing issue, what quests do you have in your quest log?

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For quests I have

Uniting Kul tiras and Up against it in nazjatar.

I have completed storm song but can’t seem to complete tiragarde sound

Are those the only two quests you have, or just the BFA ones?

There’s several tip and tricks in the Wowhead comments for the quest. Have you tried any of them?


I followed tips from here as well and completed the vashir intro that was partially done on my e nd and same with in the darkest night story line. It changed my phasing a bit and now Turalyon is on the throne.

but there is no where to pick up tides of war, not heroes board, herald or anyone in the throne room

Which achievement are you attempting to get, Harambee? From what I can see this character has already completed the Tides of War quest line up through a Nation Divided.


Hey Vrakthris, I am not trying to get an achievement but I am trying to have the chapter marked as finished in my quest log.
When I hover over the chapters it shows stormsong completed, but when I look at tirgarde it isn’t complete, but I don’t see any available quests anywhere, even with the trivial quest markers on.

Have you looked through this guide from Wowhead to see where you can pick the quest chains back up in Tiragarde Sound?



Thank you for this, but while logged into wowhead it looks like i’ve completed all of these on the troubleshooting page, but on quest completion tracker it looks like I have 26 quests I haven’t completed.

I am wondering if this is due to nazjatar and if I need to completely finish that story line first?

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So when looking at the map for the Quest Completion Tracker, are you not able to find available quests at the locations of the markers on the map?


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I do see the quest markers here on the wowhead website, but when ingame they aren’t on the map at all, and when I fly to those locations I see on wowhead there is nothing to pick up.

That is odd as it looks like you have “A Sound Plan” completed, and I checked all the quests for that part. You are still working your way through “Drust Do it”.

I’d try finishing that up to see if that progresses those chapters. If it does not putting a bug report would be the next step so our QA team can take a look.

Most of those quests require you to have completed the Ready for War achievement on that character.


Thank you I will try this out over the next couple days and see if it is resolved with finishing those :slight_smile: