Anduin Lore Problem

I think of it more as him not having the focus and force of will to channel the Light now. He doesn’t think he can, therefore he can’t. It’s not manning up, it’s getting out of a depressive episode.

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Maybe they go to Super Shadowlands.

That’s how I see it too.

Bro’s just triggering his own learned helplessness and doesn’t know how to climb out of that. It’s not a easy hole to get out of. Been there.


Telling someone to stop crying isn’t always toxic. Continuing to cry about the same damn thing and avoiding your responsibilities is the perfect time to tell someone to “suck it up”, which is what Thrall basically did.

I’m aware. I’m just talking about the broader brush of it. You know. That nasty mentality that men can’t cry or have emotions.

Not directly accusing YOU of being toxic or anything. I’m just chatting

I’m not sure why you keep bringing up the male aspect with me. I already said that I’m not making this about Anduin being a man, I would say this about any character.

And it’s fine, I don’t mind having a discussion.

Adding to my previous post that this is why a lot of writers won’t go near the idea of an afterlife or what happens beyond death. It’s very hard to pull off for the best of writers. And the Shadowlands writers were not the best of writers.

Ok, but the problem with that statement is that it might work in real life, but it doesn’t make for good story writing.

For example: most of medicine IRL is just people showing up because they either fell, didn’t take their meds or overdosed, but if you watch any medical TV show, every day they get a case of Kaposi Sarcoma or myotonic dystrophy.


Because that is rare and exciting, and the real thing is boring.

Same thing here with the lore of Anduin.

I know I know I know I’m sorry I’m not getting the words right. My apologies

Ehhh I’m gonna disagree. Relatable makes for a better story. It’s precisely why the cosmic stories of WoW and stuff like Dragonflight tends to fall so flat.

The more you can relate to one’s humanity, the better for the story I think.

We can have escapism but it feels better if that escapism is well grounded.

Oh considering one of my fav shows recently is Helluva Boss and how both Blitz and Stolas are having their trauma setting each other off. I find that VERY entertaining.

Noooooot the best vibe if you’re calling someone elses mental struggles “boring”.

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In this case i’m fairly sure it’s a mental thing with Anduin. After being forced to do things against his will. He likely no longer feels worthy of the light or feels like he should be using the light. Along with the PTSD, he likely also has depression. After all, let’s just take a look back at everything that’s happened to him since Mist. So Anduin being filled with doubt/self doubt is perfectly understandable and well with in his lore.


Anduin has been garbage since after Legion, honestly. He just keeps getting worse and worse, too.

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He’s saying a fake person’s mental problems are boring.

And I agree. I stopped watching movies like “Precious” because I don’t like feeling that way from a movie. I already deal with some pretty heavy stuff IRL so I want excitement and adventure from cinema (and computer games) to escape.

Also the dude has pretty much been alone since Shadowlands ended.

How the heck can you climb out of that mental pit when you’re alone?

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The same way Alleria did after she took the Void energy

Did she though? She’s starting to sound like Anduin too. “Don’t look at me. I can’t save anyone. I’m running away to be by myself.”

With the void are you ever truly alone? You get to hear tons of cool voices.

Except Alleria hasn’t climbed out. She’s still dealing with doubt and the mental fallout from the things that have happened to her

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I’m aware. But real folks are dealing with similar struggles. ( granted with less magical powers and all that but still )

It’s just a thing that irks me because if a real person puts some of their own struggles into a character, and they get called boring? Oh I’d be mad as hell.