Anduin Lore Problem

I’m getting tired of this kind of character, tbh. Whining, crying and brooding is getting really old.

I want more Garrosh type characters, where they regret noting and would do it again.

1: Dad recently dying in a very awful way
2: Pressures of being a royal that he didn’t ask for
3: Forced suddenly into a leadership role

The light in the maw is what lead to the jailer being interested in him. Would you want to even try asking again for it after all that?

Maybe he’s out of mana.

Or maybe he just needs the blue pill.

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I’m greedy and enjoy both

I’m just very unapologetically on Team Anduin here because being mentally ill freaking sucks and I want him to be okay :frowning:


Yeah I want him to be ok too but I want him to suck it up and stop crying.

Life sucks. Sometimes it really, really sucks, but that doesn’t mean you just brood, and whine, and cry all day.

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Yeah by the end of campaign I’m ugh enough already Anduin geez. Man up!

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It’s not even so much that (although fair)

It’s more like imagine someone going depresso-mode for no reason.
Give him a damn reason, please my god.
Arthas had a good enough reason; that dude is kill-on-sight bad and absolutely no one will disagree

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I loathe that I’m putting this out there because I hate how inconsistent Blizz is with their own lore but…

Instead of good and evil (as we see the Light used by groups like the Scarlet Crusade and whatnot), perhaps the ability to channel it is more a force of will thing.

If you’re of singular purpose and mindset like the Light and have the resolve to use it, you can use the Light… it’s like a DCU Lantern ring.

If Varian could see him now. Slap him silly lol

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They forced the Light and didn’t view it as evil till later.

He didn’t see being controlled as a judgement of his worth.

In their eyes they were saving their people.


Did Anduin even kill anyone that was alive? I don’t read the books so I don’t know if he beamed back to Azeroth and did stuff.

But if he killed people in the SL that were already dead and/or their version of angels, who cares? It’s like the South Part episode when they were killing people in hell then they just respawned in hell.

One of the reasons I couldn’t stand SL was it just erased all the downsides to dying. Like Ysera coming back to hang out with us. Sucked all the emotion we felt in Legion when she passed away. Now that cinematic is stupid.

That’s a weird way to look at it because if you died in the Shadow Lands you were permanently dead. He literally took people out of their afterlives and turned them into anima.

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No when you die in SL you disappear forever or something, so it’s maybe worse?

Maybe there’s a shadowlands of the shadowlands?

IDK, but either way the story ain’t sticking with me

But this was technically already the case for “normal death” before Shadowlands.

For example: mah boy Varian is gawn gone

Anduin just cries… its his character. Honestly they should of let garrosh kill him.

Yeah which is evil. They kidnapped a naaru and sucked it dry, like a sparkly vampire.

I don’t even know what this means.

Nah the Zandalari aren’t stupid. They knew exactly what they were doing.

Tyrant Velhari is a member of the Legion and an eredar but yet she still kept all her paladin powers. But let me guess… she thinks working for the Legion is “good.”

Yeah but the whole “man up” thing is a pretty toxic mindset. Especially if the character is a guy.

I like that Blizz is at least trying. And I get to listen to Anduin’s va be angsty. I win.

Nah I’m with him on that. Shadowlands lore invalidated a lot of in-game cultural stuff about what happened to characters when they died, as well as stuff from several books.

It felt wrong. Like “Oh yeah you’re dead but now you’re actually in another very physical place with actual ecosystems and politics and etc etc etc”. But you can also die when dead and then possibly go to nothing?

It also just… takes a lot of the mystery away, and you need mystery for death in fiction.

I didn’t say “man up” I said “suck it up” which applies to everybody.

Varian was an exception because he was consumed by fel.

When people died normally, they got a second life in the Shadowlands…at least until the Jailer messed everything up.

You got what I meant tho yeah? Its the same attitude regardless of the word.